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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. AS near as you could get then walk it .Bloody hard work on your own with dogs nets digging gear gun etc .Even earlier on a horse
  2. Loguns well known in the trade for leaking get a good gasram no troubles there .rgds don.
  3. yer very similar, i like a white dog yours looks very showy nice dog. Thanks ,yeah my type are (showy) but I dont do shows now .Do judge though . Thats a really smart terrier u got there donnyc. You you little shit Ill give Darcy your phone number he likes (posh boys).To anyone else this dog is a right tidy 12inch powerhouse that needs work ,Posh boy prefers clubbing it and getting threatened by littls gay cleaners .
  4. Probably,same as the rapid mag I kept back for you
  5. He does different ones for both types ..Google his website .If no luck come back to me and Ill arrange one to be made ..
  6. yer very similar, i like a white dog yours looks very showy nice dog. Thanks ,yeah my type are (showy) but I dont do shows now .Do judge though .
  7. Very similar to this one double bred back to my dog .Just over 12 inch .
  8. Quietest silencer for the S10 is the AWT one without a doubt.
  9. T R Robber as he is known was done for selling some of his crap tuning aids .Either get an FAC or forget it ..Most precharges are easy to upgrade But you need an FAC .Most if not all makers now fit anti tamper devices to protect themselves .Theobum included.
  10. The quietest silencer by far for a S10 is an AWT one ..More so in FAC form .
  11. Only if its chasing a bunny on top ..For earthwork chest size is more important
  12. MFHA HAVE given the go ahead for packs to start again Thursday ,Good luck all .
  13. Slacken the outer locking nut then the inner adjuser needs turning clockwise a bit at a time till the play is reduced ,Then lock the outer nut away you go .rgds don
  14. Cheap if its ok ..But the Rams are no longer available from theobum .Can only be sourced from a mate of mine
  15. Got one here will do you mate .Its somewhere back on the classifieds .
  16. mine are all 100% crossbred russells some nice white lakies on the web site makes you piss when you read the breed standard Agree some on there should know better but its the pound signs .Greedy feckers like a little club for a chosen few ,glad I dont show now pisses me off ..They dont even try to get the old type back .Its just big square heads out of proportion and feck the working side of breeding.
  17. Just found some Rapid MK1 fastflows £18 posted .
  18. Still nothing from you Knocker
  19. Your responsible for the power output .Dont bother probably shoot like shit anyway
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