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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Top pic is a strong dog but tiny chest the other 2 pics are a related dog inbred to my tan headed dog ..It was the price that gets me ..
  2. Discontinued thats why .nice old guns though one in good nick with no sights and silencer what you think ? If its in nice clean original nick @£150
  3. This is a smaller youngster double bred to my dog lou very similar to huntersides .This one was given away
  4. Last one I had built from spares at BSA cost £175 only a favour as I took all there remaining supersports
  5. $750 Jesus.Think Ill export mine from now on .
  6. Discontinued thats why .nice old guns though
  7. Just curious what makes a terrier LOOK like a rabbiter ??Always looking to learn little tips
  8. Do they fit the supersports? Cheers. Yes They do
  9. Your % is well out its a lakie blooded white russell type ..Looks a decent sort hope it finds a good home bitsa
  10. Yes I have some for the Vulcans
  11. No mate these are the later HE ones
  12. Tell Baz you love him be ok then
  13. If you mean the actual reservoir they are not that dear ..bought a new S410 one recently @£20 .
  14. What age are the parents and what work have they done??
  15. Im sure I have one tucked away Ill get back to you.
  16. Give Winkhound a bottle of his favourite he will sort it
  17. Yes I have MFH ticket with photos :yes:And written permission for all our country
  18. FULL FULL Sorry all Enough people now .See how it goes may arrange another day
  19. [ name=daz' date='Dec 11 2007, 07:55 PM' post='364063 name='davyt63' date='Dec 5 2007, 06:07 PM' post='358361] hi thinking of changeing my spring rifle to a gas ram to take it over legal limit. it is a air arms tx200hc can anyone tell me [bANNED TEXT] are the benefitts. and how much it should cost . ihave a bsa supersport with 177 gas ram fitted for sale not perfect nick but works fine No rams being made at the minute although none will fit the TX when you get a FAC pm me
  20. This Sunday game farm riddled with them couple of spare places if anyone in north Essex is interested Got enough people now so see how it goes Could arrange another day .Cheers
  21. Mate has some copper jacketed solid slug ammo for one of these ..I wouldnt bare my arse for those loads When I was a boy we wanted these guns for another use some oldies might remember why But dont reply on an open forum we will all be locked up
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