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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Well where you screw your buddy bottle onto your gauge there should be a hard plastic seal it keeps it airtight as you fill,, if thats missing the air will just go everywhere as it needs that seal between the end of your bottle and the gauge..they are usually off white in colour
  2. Is it actually leaking out of your buddy bottle when you take it off the fill gauge?Or can you not get any air into it at all and its leaking when on the fill gauge .Where you screw the buddy bottle into the fill gauge there should be a hard seal that the bottle screws tight up against..If thats dropped out it will just leak as you try to fill the buddy bottle..It is a Rapid and not a MFR???
  3. If its leaking out the buddy bottle it needs reseating if ball type..if it doesnt stop its a new valve in buddy bottle..Only an O ring on the bottle if thats shot it will leak when on the gun not when its off
  4. Give it a sharp blast from your dive bottle if it doesnt seal new valve needed in buddy bottle
  5. I know of some in the midlands a few lads who keep a line going in yorkshire some in norfolk thats just to my knowledge ..heard of a few lads down south to me got some decent digging ones .Ones I had were no good for hunt work but used on call outs to keepers etc ..Any one with a genuine interest in them would find some with not too many problems ..Got pissed off digging to corpses many many years ago so picked the places to drop them in
  6. plenty being worked to a good standard though most are on the hard side..Just knowing where to look..Not late starters either its the way they are brought up JMHO
  7. Why cant he keep any livestock....??? SINDASOX Usual reason
  8. Do you have any details what village he was in? PM if prefered
  9. Anyone got a number or address??? PM if you prefer TIA
  10. In his hey day most in his kennels were bred elsewhere.By others.Not having a dig as he has been there and done it..But it was the £ that done him and whiskey
  11. Eddies not allowed to keep any livestock and doesnt own the Foxwarren prefix
  12. Arthurs Funeral will take place on Monday the 13th at Barnsley Crematorium Ardsley..12.10
  13. They are not the same as the limited edition No pics on the front of this one. Only 25 of this one were printed come in a hard sleeve to keep it in and leather spine
  14. It comes in hard cover and book has leather spine
  15. Well respected terrierman who worked Russels
  16. As above gutted my condolences to his family
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