Quite a few complaints that they were underpowered ie10FTLBS hence the increase in shots No of a gunshop owner sending his back three times .Personally think the gun is consistant as it is ..
From what Ive been told it was a patx beddy or whippet type that was in the working class.Dont think there were any others in the class.Typical cock up with the entry fees as well .Trader was it D S your on about? I know he turned round and went home.
Ive had them out of metal pipes many times..In fact an old friend put a couple of old lamp posts into a galvanised tank and it held within a month .I remember it well as it was snowing when I had one out and they were tapered very tight at the ends .I think if its in the right spot and quiet it should be OK ..Nothing to lose have you?
Who's judging the terriers this year Donny? Might take my 'show pony' with me. Ivegot someone coming down from yorkshire .doesnt know anyone round there
what time does it start judging this year? Terrier racing afterwards still?
Ill get more details later be bigger than last year better Judge LOL ..
Who's judging the terriers this year Donny? Might take my 'show pony' with me. Ivegot someone coming down from yorkshire .doesnt know anyone round there