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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. I can reply to messages about 40% of the time then they wont send as it says I need to put more than 3 words or something ../Doing my head in as I write an answer and it will not send so start all over again..Anyone any ideas?
  2. I need some qualifiers for a charity show anyone have any??? cheers
  3. No he has kept a line of borders for 70 years or is it russells now????? LOL
  4. Seen a lad I knew shot dead for hanging out his bedroom window drunk ..He only had a stick and shouting at the police..Few there wanted to go and quiet him down but the police wouldnt let them ,even his sister was stopped going in the house
  5. Bloody hell Lads I just posted about what someone stated ...I said the mans a $ucking idiot if 15 terriers went to ground and pushed something and I stated something as he quoted they bolted all and that something was in a stop ????????The moral of the story is in (MY) eyes if true the man was a £ucking idiot end of...No need to start that old chesnut about white against coloured ..Shite in all colours Kennel blindness is a terrible thing
  6. I put the pic up for a mate its now getting regular work mostly in rock doing well....The man has another of my bitches and im sending a dog up shortly ..Details of the bitch are between my mate and me end of
  7. Well he wrote the above statement..About someone he knew that I said was a load of bollocks
  8. feck off it says bolt everything in there not just foxes..LOL He tried blacks but they didnt like the dark
  9. Nicholas Valentine There was a guy in this area who had a lot of success running a pack of Russell's driving foxes to guns . He had a pack of about fifteen dogs and the whole lot would work an earth and bolt anything there . As none were stayers they would all come away if he moved on . I'm sure most people would not regard these as good terriers , but he achieved results with them that would have been impossible with good digging dogs . Like · Reply · March 18 at 1:57pm
  10. Any lads round Lewisham area or know of lads in that area need info on a terrier breeder ..PMs please
  11. yes she is off this week along with a black bitch
  12. On conditions but it went wrong and not worked enough TBH bitch needs a lot of work just hates fox with a vengeance lol
  13. cheers mate nut case works upside down lol hell of a nose on her
  14. Back home mate and going where she will get plenty of graft not getting enough where she was Hate £unts who go back on their word getting proper grub as well instead of shit
  15. Its different to yours as its a limited edition only 25 printed
  16. >410 pistol best Ive used .22 danger of ricochets same as .32...410 stops all
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