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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Sorry, than I must have misunderstood something. Everybody has a name. But this name gets known only after he prooves himself, or am I mistaken? But I live about 1600 kms from there, so I only know the big names and nothing more about them except that they are big and old time breeders and/or terrierman. That would be really cool to know more about them and those that I haven't even heared about! Best wishes, Anna don campbell big name at wat ?? Yeah tell me Id like to know myself .Dont like the handle at all myself ..If people bull up
  2. Oh and the reading you did the dog that was mentioned by many WHY??? Only a part of a team ..Nowhere in any way was he anything special.honest dog thats it ..much better than him around that time.bored now off to ebay for a few minutes
  3. Couple of dogs over there you can watch if the owners agree .One strong one was a gift pure and simple but I know he works it hard .He might PM you see for yourself ..Plus out of three times over I was starved at one certain place ..So not happy..Still bring your dogs over for other quarry and watch mine as well.Got accomodation here
  4. Took me half an hour to get the young dog washed off balls of clay plus they get hot and sweaty must just be mine ..Good job missus is away LOL..no she is sound ..
  5. Im an OAP cant afford to leave home much .Missus would kill me .BUT as you are a young lad you are welcome here to test your dogs on well educated game ..Wont come out clean though.For sale????No too strong for you methinks has a mind of his own ..No good for bolting LOL..Never believe all you read because none of the statements were mine
  6. this youngster did an hour today and drew the quarry our earths are dirtier than yours
  7. what was you digging? deep dig bitch must have been in awhile .she looks spotless other than a tiny dribble on her chin.
  8. LOL. Old age comes to us all ..As long as you get out thats all that matters ..Need your details again this time Ill put them in the book.
  9. Yes probably a spelling mistake this end..cheers
  10. No as I dont know who won what..Dont show much really so not bothered.But when a commitee member picks the judges then keeps on winning makes you think.It is or was a club for russells years back, now a russell rarely wins or should I just say a white dog..Think the commitee should read the original aims of the club and have a rethink. LOL..Judges ?? yeah some old geezers from miles away.They wont know anyone up here ..
  11. Aghhhh Donny your show is clashing then with the EAJRC show on 2nd August!! No such club in my eyes.JR club ??? should be ashamed to call themselves that..Prize money for ours is £100 for both the champions.The judges will not be mates who pick mates.They will be working judges
  12. Thanks. The mum was given to me and have been told various stories of her breeding so now not sure! The dog I used belongs to the terrierman from my local hunt. His a chocolate dog from a long line of chocolates apparently. He must be what 10 yo now...did well showing in his day too apparently. Thought your bitch only had one pup??? .
  13. First sunday in August..Open day at kennels
  14. This years show to be held at the Kennels Earles Colne.£100 for champion terrier and same for the champion lurcher.Most qualifiers will be available
  15. LMFAO!!!!! If you do decide to stay with a springer then get a rifle that can be easily coverted to gas ram, the noise from a spring is awful when your holding the gun. A silencer will reduce the muzzle crack down range which is a good help when bashing bunnies. But ultimately just save your pocket money and get a PCP if your serious about hunting nowadays. I use an AWT mod on my Rapid and when I first fitted it I thought my buddy bottle was empty because it is that quiet Cant beat an AWT especially on a FAC
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