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miss lurcher bitch

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Everything posted by miss lurcher bitch

  1. well done mate hes a lovely dog crdet to you youve got some nice dogs we got wet today and will tonight i gess
  2. nice pup mate shes well cute hope she turns out good for you all the best mlb
  3. nice pup mate shes well cute hope she turns out good for you all the best mlb
  4. thats really sad i hope thay catch them that just gives more shit to peoplae that work there dogs there some total wankers no wonder lurchers and other crosses and given a bad name becouse of people like that have thay got no shame
  5. we have got sevral bitchs some i have 3 litters with and others one we have 3 spayed after there one litter and it hasent stoped them working long as you keep them on a diet thay wont gane waight but before you do have her done if she good worker i would let her have one litter if poss all vets talk shit to make easy money
  6. hi i have 6 cats and out of all the dogs i have only 3 dont get on with them but the rest live happy around them and cats on the street there not to botherd by
  7. you could try and rehome it as a pet or use the dog on quarry that its good on how old is the dog and wat effort and time have you put in to it can you not give it a bit more time if young mlb
  8. hiya john and kay just to say hes one hell of a dog got nice teeth on him as you now on sunday dident want to let me sit in the car on way back from pets at home but manadged to calm him down with his toy
  9. well my lovely daughter and her better half glad to see you had a good time and thanks for brining me back some crabs and musles to cook thay were geat you do look a happy couple together all the best mum xxxx
  10. sorry for the sad news its hard [bANNED TEXT] you loose a freind and shed a tear at least you now he done his best for you as you did for him just keep all those memorys safe in you head r i p butch sorry pikeky
  11. thats a realy nice looking pup you got mate as we have 2 plus w/h dog here as well we have had no probs with ares but i do breed my own some times for my own use i hope he does you prowed yours mlb
  12. theres alot of women out there that think there better than some other women i dont care wat people say im not scared to get me hands dirty or brake those nails good on the lass that gave it all fare play to her thats the fun of getting dirty
  13. well i had 40 grand blew it in 4 mounths but have got alot to show for it plus helped me kids out just had a good time lifes to sort to save it so moneys not every thing but it does help it changed me life at one point but im still happy now its gone at least no one can keep asking to borrow of me any more
  14. tracey i now how you feel start one thing then another but i cant complain as he does cook as well but we should now us women we no better and not all women need toys lol but its nice to see a man working only if job gets finished
  15. i would take the dog to the vets cuz we have kennel cough going round ner to us but ares have had vac againts it so thank god were coverd
  16. i like my collie greys and my beddy whip x grey thay do all that i ask of them never had any probs with them theres to there own opion
  17. my kids then me dogs and my lover as men can be replast
  18. lurcher pup not for sale now as im keeping him back for my own use thanks for pms
  19. pup still for sale lovely little chap price down to £175 no offers
  20. sorry mate merl pup went to husky and hes really pleased with him all the pups are doing really well i have just had some pics sent over from irland on my phone from flyer on the pup he had from the litter and thats doing well
  21. yeh the pup is still for sale im in swindon wilthshire pm me for any more details
  22. the pup is still for sale and should make around 24" and i am in purton. MLB
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