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About Thunderbelly

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern Ontario, Canada
  1. Mine kills any foxes he catches, and retrieves any birds in water, even from the partially frozen river. Their ability to handle cold water is one reason I chose this breed over the kazhaar.
  2. It's a shame how popularity can lead to unsteady animals. Only sound stable breed stock should be used. Like the look of the staff, the black eye looks like one that was on American tv
  3. Is that a press neo cross king? He looks about double the size of the opera department press scenarios from the canary islands. The loose skin around his face looks very Neo like. Would be an awesome combo.
  4. The Deutsche Drahthaar is used for hunting wild boar in Germany. Have a look on YouTube to see them in action.
  5. $1700 take home pay doesn't sound like oil industry, maybe automotive? Oil industry is generally 7 days a week, you should get more than that for those hours. I know guys in my trade make more than that in the oil industry.
  6. Shovel>> no, they are medium sized dogs, mine is just under 80lbs. I think the females are 60-70lbs. If you want a very similar dog to go underground, get the jagdterrier. I have heard the jags will retrieve smaller game as well. I would love to run a jagd terrier with my DD, no prey would be safe!
  7. I tried teaching mine to bring me beer, bugger would come close, sit down and puncture the can, then drink it! Crazy German dog!
  8. Deutsche Drahthaar is a German wire haired pointer bred to work, not for shows. There is strict testing done before the dog/bitch is allowed to breed. Everything from point a bird, fetching over land or water, dispatch a predator to following old blood trails. Temperament is important as well. They are incredibly friendly with people, but mine is very dominant over other dogs. I'll shut up, before I completely hijack this thread.
  9. The paranoia (deserved or not) on this site is hard for some of us to adjust too. It's best if both sides don't take it personally, but we learn from the experience and move on. Great pics of the dogs, would be great to have a working Jagdterrier beside my Drahthaar.
  10. No mate 1st generation cross mother is cocker father was poodle which is actually a proper gun dog for bringing in game from water thats what they were bred for in america all those years ago official term is american water gun dog mate very big over in the states so forget the big white fluffy things most people see as a poodle it was bred to retrieve Poodles come from Germany, originally water retrievers, I have heard the goofy haircuts are an exaggeration of working cuts to keep the joints warm in cold water.Poodles were used to create puddle pointers (spelled wrong, I bet) As long as
  11. Welcome to the site, good luck in your quest for working Wheaton, if you find some jags terrier, or Patterdales along the way, hook a guy up would ya,lol.
  12. I think my DD air scents from farther away, he does ground scent, but usually that means a pheasant is popping up soon . He ground scents squirrels, but tracks them by sight through the tree tops. Bugger points rabbits.
  13. Thanks, they are called "versatile" here, but it confuses me. The people who run the Versatile click only use their dogs to hunt birds. Really doesn't seem that versatile to me. My dog hunts fur, and feather, whether it's predator, herbivore, upland bird or waterfowl. The club members scolded me because I said I was going raccoon hunting after we were do.e the upland bird trials. We watched a puppy natural ability trail that day, only pup that hadn't been trained and was running off just natural ability, didn't win. Seems contradictory to me. Sorry, got off topic there.
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