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Posts posted by deanflute

  1. Typo mate!! Yeah he's fine it wasn't anything serious just a yelp more than anything. He's doing well mate. Still has a mad half hour now and then but happy with him so far!!

    Same here mate, Lola's always barging into her, you'd think her legs had broke to hear her yelp. I put some pictures on your other thread mate

  2. Mine took a knock the other day when a overweight lab crashed into him in the park. He was making a right noise and limping. I gave him a day just in the garden and as you did give him a once over. He just snapped out of it and is fine. He's also coming up to 4 months. See how the dog does today and maybe give the vet a call. Can you touch or apply pressure to it??

    3 months mate, he's 12 weeks on Sunday. Hope he's ok

  3. RSPCA getting a slating on radio2 at 12. Perfect chance to phone in or text your views on the bully boy tactics used by the so called charity :thumbs:

    It will be all the supporters phoning in, I'd love to hear them get slated but can't see it

  4. My dad's looking for a bushing dog or pup. He's experienced with dogs but was out of the game for a while and after being out with us a few times he's after another of his own.He's looking for a spaniel, spaniel x or terrier x but may be swayed by something else.If it's an adult a trial is a must. If it's a pup then it must be out of working stuff.We're in north wales but distance isn't a bother for the right dog.Please reply or pm if you have or know of anything.ThanksSam

    Don't know if you got sorted but there is one just down the page. Willow is selling one and it looks a beauty

    • Like 1
  5. I had to PTS my young bitch this week with a broken wrist so I thought I'd just have a glance......................but I was out as soon as I read the field and fen bit I'm afraid.


    Sorry to hear about your pup


    What would you rather he wrote on the ad? If the dogs take game on field or fen then why not say so?

    • Like 3
  6. I'd take him but the missus would hit roof especially with little ones birthday coming up then again I don't get a look in on the bitch between her and the kids maybe I should tell her you have the bitch I'll kennel the dog and keep him me self lol

    Build a nice kennel and get your self bedded down with the hounds mate

  7. Its sad a good litter of pups and cant get them decent homes make you wonder if its worth crossing your bitch everyone would like a pup from there own stock but it does make you wonder good luck in finding the pup a hood home mate

    My plan was to breed a bitch every 5 or so years if they were good enough to do so, I'm thinking now that I might just buy a pup instead, I'm over the moon with this bitch and with her litter mates and I'm sure everyone who has had a pup feels the same, it's just the hassle that has gone with it.

    • Like 1
  8. Fair play dean,,,is it pleasly near Mansfield mate,,I used to live in the next village.....usually a good little show,,,,I would have been there if I weren't away.The thing is with the shows is you can get a feel for someone up close and personal,,,,and of course a lot of show people do look after there muts,,,rather than swapping them when they fancy,,,,might not get as much work,,,but so long as it's looked after.....The other thing is like networking,,,,,a few year ago I saw a litter of kelpie grey whipp,,,pups at a show,,,bred by an old acquaintance from the coursing field......then a day or two later leveler off moochers was asking about future kelpie litters,,,,I put the two of them together,,,,and leveler had a pup,,,,she must be 3 plus year old now

    That's the one mate, it's a good turn out. I thought you might have had him mate haha

  9. Why not let Lurcherlink rehome him for you: you won't get any money, but you will have the knowledge that he'll go to a really good home even if it isn't a working home. Much better than selling him to someone you don't know.


    I think they've got a big enough list of dogs on their page as it is, I wouldn't want to add to that, as I've said if I don't like the people wanting him I'll bring him back home he's no trouble



    Ah,your getting there now.

    Dog show tomorrow with the brindle, see if I can sell him there

    Mate don't sell the pup at a show you never know what tosser will get it .........

    I know what you're saying pal but I've had more tossers off here mess me about than anything, they'll know who they are when the see this.

    I don't have to sell him tomorrow I'm just trying to find him a decent home, if I don't like them face to face then he comes back home with me and then I can try again.

    I'd rather do it that way than stay in all weekend for bellends who tell me they're coming and then never turn up and don't answer their phones.



    Looking good pal mines getting up to all sorts her and the kids terrorising me her and my yoUng one are a [bANNED TEXT] pair together haha

    I take it she's had no trouble settling in then pal?

    You'll have to send me some pictures of her

    No problem at all just doing what pups do pal check your emails pal

    Just seen them mate, looks a picture of health and happiness

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