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westwales fowler

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Everything posted by westwales fowler

  1. hi all, just bought a second hand deben ferret finder with a single collar, its a mk II finder. i have looked on ebay for a second collar but can't get one, will a collar for a MK III work? not knowing too much about them, but my thoughts are that its just the MK III receiver that is different from the MK II but the collars remain the same, am i right? your views please. Many thanks
  2. would you be kind enough to tell us where so that we can all turn into flock experts!! Cheers HTS try this link, http://www.decoydirect.com/?gclid=CKLswIenwJQCFQLolAodwE-NUQ i have some shell decoys and the paint job is arse so i'm gonna give this a try. good luck
  3. Hi Just a quick one to intrroduce myself. Matthew aged 35 living in west wales. my interests are wild fowling and rough shooting (only 1 years experience), sea fishing and have recently took ownership of 2 ferrets which are now eight ferrets. i'm very keen to take the ferrets out later on in the year and will probabley be seeking advice on the "how to" work a warren with ferrets. thanks matthew
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