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Everything posted by bouncer

  1. bloody hell that's the way to have them.well done boys.
  2. i think you mean more for the mixi(around my area anyway)
  3. what is this post all about,nothing on there.
  4. not seen nothing from him on here for a long time.
  5. can anyone tell me where run for your life has gone,not heard from him on here for a while.
  6. pherhaps myxi has had them all,it has happened to me on a farm i go to.
  7. my son bought a huatian 50cc moped and the fuel gauge is showing empty.when i earth the sender it goes to full has anyone got any ideas what could be wrong(maybe sender broke)
  8. some people do think of some siht ideas sometimes.load of rubbish.
  9. i was reading the paper yesterday and came across this.a man going for a walk got beat up by a gang of asians because he is white,the police are investigating it as a racial attack.i doubt wether we will hear anymore about it(fcucking assholes)in my mind the b*****ds should not be here,it makes my blood boil :censored: :censored: if that was someone white beat up a paki they would look for them for years.
  10. good reply markha,spot on :thumbs: :clapper: :clapper:
  11. yes he was black on the whole underneath,and a lot of black in his tail to. it;s gone a bit quiet around here to but hopefully for not to long.thanks for all the comments.
  12. went out local to me night before last to have a look about.i got to the farm about 9 oclock first field we went to there he was and he didn;t care that we were there neither.he must have been about 200 yards probably,so my friend rested on a five bar gate and shot him stone dead when i went to get him he was black all underneath and his tail had a lot of black in it as well.he was a well fed dog with good weight and size about him,we carried on around the farm but didn;t see nothing else.so we had a early night.i shot 3 on this farm earlier in the year.here;s a pic.pic not very good i took it
  13. is there any night vision meets in wales coming up cheers.
  14. can someone tell me if i could shoot a fox with the n550 at say 200 yards and are they clear and worth the money or would i be better off with a add on thanks.
  15. what is the furthest distance with the cam in night vision mode can you see/shoot with extra ir.
  16. yes your right there hafod,it is a bit of improvement.you can;t really mistake him can you.
  17. i am seeing a few around here.a boy i just got to know told me he went out a fortnight ago local to me and shot 15 foxes with a rifle.thats a bloody good number .
  18. they make me fukcing sick. :censored: :censored: :censored:
  19. cut the lid in 2 on the double box i would so when you open the lid they don't all come out.nice box .
  20. me and my nephew went to a farm opposite were i live last night there was a few about but only managed 6. but it was a nice hour.
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