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Everything posted by bouncer

  1. yes just what I thought but wanted to make sure because he is a awkward f***er.and now I can tell him to piss off politely
  2. got to ask about shooting rights.i go to a farm by an estate and a bloke has bought the ground off the estate but not the shooting rights.the farm I go on has bought the shooting rights and said I can go on it ferreting and shooting.i bumped into a guy last week on another farm next door and he said I wasn't allowed on there because the farm I go on doesn't own the land.he said if I was seen on there by the land owner he would go mad,this guy said he has been shooting the land for 20 years.i know I can go on their but can he ?he is adamant he can but I don't think he can.i don't think he likes
  3. hi has anyone got a workshop manual I can borrow/have for the above quad bike thanks.
  4. vasectomised hob needed in south wales,help much appreciated thanks.
  5. fury will never be a world champion while the klitshco brothers are around.its about time he started fighting someone tidy(,not that there is many out there) I don't rate him at all and fighting a man 3 stone lighter its a f***ing joke.
  6. has anyone got a pvs14 lens cover they dont want thanks.
  7. dont think it is wheel balance because it would happen in every gear.i found when i had a wheel out of balance when i got over 50mph the steering wheel would wobble.
  8. got the above laser and just cannot get it clean,i bought isopropanol and still cannot get it clean it is driving me mad any help much appreciated.
  9. i am doing my front wheel bearing on my mk2 focus and was wondering does anyone know what talk i have to tighten the middle bolt to,i have googled it but cannot find anything cheers.
  10. been helping the local farmer lambing i went over yesterday and the fox had killed a lamb so i went over last night and within ten minutes he was there in the lambing field trying his hardest to get a lamb from the ewe.so when the opportunity arose i shot him,so one less again.
  11. my laptop has gone slow and sometimes wont display pictures and when it does it loads a little at a time very slowly,any ideas.
  12. why was this put in as free.(free praise i suppose)
  13. yes farmer was well pleased,he couldnt thank me enough.
  14. went to the far local to me last night who lost a lamb to the fox,so with the snow being down we just sat in the jeep and waited to see if he came back.we had a long wait but eventually he came and when i spotted him coming through the field he was running flat out then he just stopped and started to head towards the house,he was trying hard to get through the fence but he stopped and put his head through the square in the fence trying to grab a new born lamb which was when i shot him.he wasnt a very big fox but healthy didnt need lamp or night vision.he was about 250/300 yards away.
  15. a local farmer rang earlier for me to go over tomorrow and shoot some crows that have been having a go at his lambs.i was thinking on taking my rimfire and any tips would be helpfull ecause i never bothered shooting crows before thanks.
  16. beleive it or not it is cheaper for full comp.
  17. what f***ing next,they are taking over everything slowly.
  18. is the field they having it in by the hound kennels,just wondering because i go to a farm by the kennels.
  19. wish him good luck.
  20. bouncer


    the b*****ds,why dont this country ship all the fuckers out and the crime rate would probably drop by %.they make me sick.
  21. spot on,but he did deserve it.
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