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Everything posted by bouncer

  1. nets are great john thanks buddy.went out last week with them to try them i had 7 rabbits with them cheers buddy.
  2. eventually got my aigle pacours iso wellingtons delivered to me yesterday so wore them today and what a wellington they are.warm and comfy best i have ever had.
  3. bouncer

    gun safe

    that a pity your a bit far for me.
  4. Yeah sure is, was out shooting yesterday and saw at least 3 sets of pairs in the snow, managed to bolt a fox out den without terrier, was standing on top and next out bolted the fox, starlight number 6 did the job seems like your gonna have a few this year,keep at them.
  5. one of the one's i had came in like a train,didn't think he was gonna stop.
  6. well done buddy,a few about with you as well by the sound of it.
  7. there seem to be a few about here at the moment.
  8. pity your so far away i got 3 or 4 mallard decoys you could have had.(like new only used twice)
  9. started off at £100 now £175
  10. i bought a ucaller last year,used it for the first time the other night. i got one this year not used it in anger yet i was walking my dogs other night and saw one lurking about should of switched it on but my dogs wont take fox un fortunately so didnt want to scare it off did you use the squeaking of the hare or rabbit or the fox calls? im thinking of erasing some calls on it as i wont use them is it easy to delete them and reimburse them from one been downloaded of the net cheers lee the one i got has a card you put in the side,the night i shot 2 i used the rabbit then the
  11. nice pic buddy well done,hope you have more luck next week.
  12. i bought a ucaller last year,used it for the first time the other night.
  13. cheers buddy ,seems to be a lot around here at the moment.
  14. had a call off a farmer on 13th december to say a fox or 2 had killed a ewe for him and would i go and have a look with the lamp.we went over about 9 oclock with the lamp first field we went to there was a fox on the otherside of the fence but he didn't like the lamp and started to walk away so i put the caller on and he turned round and came flying in got on the bipod thump 1 in the bag and by damn he was a fat fcuker and heavy.so put the caller back on and there was another 4 foxes around us in no time but only one showed interest and started making his way quietly and then he stopped and
  15. plenty in monmouth but none were we go.we do the same places every year and have never came across any thank fcuk
  16. no sorry not got any pics of them.
  17. who are you then,someone told me who you are but i forgot.
  18. never came across any to be honest.
  19. put it this way i don't think he will forget in a hurry.
  20. went out today with the hounds and 8 guns first place we went to was a thick wood,frosty as hell but sunny.i was walking through a field and a fox came running through the field into the wood we were going to do.so we dropped the hounds in and it wasn;t long before they found 1and a boy who was just above me had 2 shots and missed (should have gone to specsavers)one got away but it wasn't long they found another but this time he came to me and i flattened thim nice dog fox. went to the next place and found nothing so we got the dogs together and moved to the next place which is thick as hel
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