Murphrod attached to jubelee clip by a brazed on nut (rod has had a die nut run down it to make a thread to fit the nut) hope this makes sence and is helpfull. hily.
Posted pic of diy rest on centre/rimme topic. this is only one item of diy kit i've made to help with the cost of my sport any of you lot done the same if so what and is it any good.Up till now this years projects=high seat, quad rifle rest & battery box +door rest for landy. Eee its good to save dosh and yes i,am bloody tight.
Latest project vehicle door rifle rest hight adjustable made from
1 suction grab =£6
2 clothesline poles=£4
pipe insulation, hose clip,and a old bonnet stay of a scrapped car £4
TOTAL £14.
AND IT DOES THE JOB.MADE THIS FOR LANDY.STU if this is any good for your motor i have more photos in my profile /topics page 7 sorry can't get them to refresh onto latest post cos i don't know how.
thanks lads i know being cheaky asking you lot to help save money and time on ammo choice but i have a limited time at the land i use for zeroing + i'am tight as a fishes bum.
Just ran in barrel on my howa with an assortment of ammo donated by freinds,using rifle for the destuction of foxes.Does anyone recommend a round that i can zero this 223 with thanks. PS. Wildcat mod used.
Tell him to do one he cant be to bothered if he wants you to pay try another local farmer theres plenty out there
What I do is when im driving to work I drive by a couple of farms and as I work shifts I drive by at diff times of the day and night if I see anything suspicious or any damage or any loose stock I pop in and see the owner and let them know I get all the shooting and pest control I want
sadly i dont have a car!! i either walk or have to rely on gotting a lift!!
SHOOTING RIGHTS are for all quarry not just vermin if the ground holds game you could charge others to shoot and
Tell him to do one he cant be to bothered if he wants you to pay try another local farmer theres plenty out there
What I do is when im driving to work I drive by a couple of farms and as I work shifts I drive by at diff times of the day and night if I see anything suspicious or any damage or any loose stock I pop in and see the owner and let them know I get all the shooting and pest control I want
sadly i dont have a car!! i either walk or have to rely on gotting a lift!!
SHOOTING RIGHTS are for all quarry not just vermin if the ground holds game you could charge others to shoot and
our syndicate is novice friendly but to far away from yuo (SCOTTISH BORDERS). TRY your local gun shop and ask them to pass on your details to any shoot member or keeper who uses the shop offer your services as a beater now is a good time as the partridge season is near and the shoot will nead as many beaters as it can get especially if you can beat on a weekday.or type nobs into your computer beaters site. PS .you will make contacts and possibly get a days shooting on beaters day GOOD LUCK.
pitr abuot distance to collect or i would buy lamp kit unless your planning a trip south soon (NOTHUMBERLAND)OR SCOTTISH BORDER EAST SIDE.on the face of it seems like a good deal.Mr Sniper.
Joe the lads I shoot and beat with all work for a living and have a limited buget for there passtimes(all work and no play bordem then death ) the cost of travel is part of most peoples passtimes following your football team golf fishing etc if you enjoy it you find the cash I bet your team of ferrets are pleased that yuo do.PS I work a couple of jills as well as my spanials and terrier.
I have a 130 miles round trip to our shoot.Ido this because i think its a perfect shoot for a gun and a hard working spanial,with like minded lads(most of us are getting on a bit but when out hunting we are all lads again )we tried to get a local shoot with all the right elements. The ones that fit the bill were to expensive or not what they were cracked up to be.So we complain about the price of fuel and yet we still go.Now we try to introduce new guns to our shoot to help spred the cost.We are amazed at how many so called shooting people are not even prepared to travel to just look at the
I have a 130 mile round trip to a shoot that i think is perfect for a man a gun and a hard working springer.with like minded lads(most of us are geting on a bit but when out hunting we are lads again) we tried to get a local shoot with all the right elements,the ones that did fit the bill were too expensive or not what they were cracked up to be, so we complain abuot the price of fuel and still we go.But know we try to intoduce new members to our shoot to share the cost we are amazed at how many so called shooting people are not prepared to travel to even look over the shoot .Is it me or are t