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Everything posted by hily

  1. ??? I really cant understand your logic, i really cant. If no-one paid then no-one pays, simple. If someone pays, then someone richer will either pay slightly more to outbid him or the landowner will continue to put the prices up each year. There are loads of farms out there that will let you shoot, but people just dont like asking. The worst a landowner can do is tell you no! Anyone who pays to shoot rabbits and rough shoot is doing more harm for the sport than tree huggers in my eyes. It will kill it for us all. Here ,Here i couldnt agree more i had it happen to one of my perm
  2. yeah but what will it be next year and the year after? there comes a time when you have to realise that your being ripped off? if mine went from £10 to £20 then i would still have him insured but £10 to £42 in one go? It might be worth your while enquiring into future increases so you know what to expect. I wish i had asked when i opened the policy because if id of known i would have just kept the money aside myself, 8 yrs at £120 a year thats near enough a grand an i only had £150 back for 1 claim! agree mate £10 then upped to £42 is a disgrace in a yr . i know what your sayin abo
  3. yeah but what will it be next year and the year after? there comes a time when you have to realise that your being ripped off? if mine went from £10 to £20 then i would still have him insured but £10 to £42 in one go? It might be worth your while enquiring into future increases so you know what to expect. I wish i had asked when i opened the policy because if id of known i would have just kept the money aside myself, 8 yrs at £120 a year thats near enough a grand an i only had £150 back for 1 claim! agree mate £10 then upped to £42 is a disgrace in a yr . i know what your sayin abo
  4. DEFENDER td5 30mpg if drivin like a little old lady 3 ltr trooper rubbish engine worse engine management parts availability very dodgy pals waiting for ecu for 7 months izuzu have now supplied a hire car until ecu is supplied what does that tell you ! NFU GOOD DEALS ON L/ROVER INS.
  5. Had a boundry day late sept this was to get the lads in the shoot together and give them an idea of the ground we shoot over and to get to know each other.We hunted the areas we don't normally go to on a shoot day as it takes to long to walk up and hunt out in one day.this type of day also helps us to find out if the pheasants have wanderd to far from woods we will be driving during the season,we only flushed a few old cock birds on the boundry and none of our poults we hope this is a good sign that the birds are content to stay put around the feeders in the drives We will find out the truth o
  6. single days available in nov/dec for £55 PER DAY.
  7. my understanding of shooting rights you can biuld pens to bring on birds for release and have shooting days +stalking and the destruction of vermin all of these activities can be sold on or exchanged for invites to other shoots.Having said that the farmer has the right to appoint anyone he likes to do his pest control even if he has sold the shooting rights.Pest control is a service to the farm but shooting rights have a value in money.Around here the reality is you pay for your sport and you make a good job of pest control so the farmer has now need to use anyone else.For some of us paying f
  8. Hi DDD. thanks for info about debens stocking switch i should have asked this site first before i took the trouble to I.D. the switch maker and supplier in canada.But i received the switches from canada today and they are o.k.the cost of a switch is £1.11 +£12 postage i only orderd three (price=£5.11 each) as i did not know if anyone else would want one, i could have orderd more and the cost of postage would have been the same this would have made the switches cheaper.priced switch on debens site=£10.45 inc postage.
  9. had problems with push button switch on handle needs new switch found a supplier in canada have orderd a few, if these are ok will sell some to cover cost of postage from canada.Price approx £5 +postage.please get in touch if interested
  10. Hi i've advertised rough shooting for this season at a reasonable cost some of the replies i've had have asked me if if this includes stalking,foxing., pigeon decoying all year round .My idea of roughshooting is to hunt game with a dog and to try and shoot whats flushed to the gun this includes having the odd drive or two when there is enough guns out on the day also flighting duck. What do you think a rough shoot should be !.
  11. Hi Dave. fox and pigeon shooting are normaly a reward for helping out and getting involved in the work it takes to run a syndicate.
  12. hily

    D.I.Y KIY

    Are there no D.I.Y. people out there or do they not want to share ideas!.
  13. try driving around in a circle on full lock acceleratin and then tacken foot of acc if its knocking its driveshaft universal joint
  14. your asking to much from yourself training and the dog learning decide on what type of hunting you do most then pick dog to suit add other disciplines after you and the dog have masterd one.In my experience you will end up with a confused dog thats good for nowt if you try to do to much to soon, as you have said its a long time since you had a dog.
  15. use the same call and tone of voice every time you feed and handle helps to bring ferrets to hand when working
  16. Friday morn finished nightshift then out to do some beating (partridge) two drives then it started to p**s down third drive then back to the bothy change wet clothes and something to eat plus catch up with others i havent seen since last season .After grub out to do last drive partridge and duck this got the bag and the duck flew well.Nice supprise beaters pay gone up to £25.covers cost of diesel. Home to get gear ready for a boundry day at our shoot on sat .had to ring lads and cancel to damp! HA.piggin droondin it was good to hear from the lads that they had all made the effort and were r
  17. hily


    thats the kind of rescue job the r.s.p.c.a should tackle it could gain them some respect! they must have seen flood alerts anyone seen them out their working?. GOOD LUCK JONSEY.
  18. Good it pays to be up front then you know were you stand + if it was neg you move on BEST OF LUCK WITH YOUR SHOOT hily.
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