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Everything posted by taylorsdad

  1. Stick your hand in your pocket and get him to the vets you havent read my first thread then ?
  2. No they havent done xray they reckon the swelling is still to bad so they gonna wait till hes being neuterd under anestetic and have a look then, but thats two weeks away, stabba iv tried all shapes mate iv got no other options iv been trying since tuesday cant do anything else
  3. well people as most of you know from my last thread i had to take my lurcher Taffy to the rspca to get his leg fixed, and what a load of money grabing b#####ds they are do you know what they done for him ? sweat FA they put another splint on him give me some medication for the swelling and told me to come back wednesday for check up, they booked him in to get neutered on the 14 of september and said they will take a closer look at the break then, FFs that will be 3 weeks with a broken leg in a splint before they even decide what action to take, they were more concerned with getting him neutere
  4. I aint got none mate its either watch the dog suffer which i would never ever do or go to the rspca get his leg sorted there and il have to have him neuterd the same time
  5. I have three dogs dazza, up until a month ago scent it wouldnt have made a diffrence how much it would have cost i had the money but now im knackerd mate, the only vet that gave me a quote said that with out an xray they couldnt really say but could cost anything from £500 to £1500
  6. my dog has been booked in to the rspca at 3:50 this is the last chance iv got to stop him having his knackers off, is there by any chance some one one this site who claims housing benefit or council tax benefit living in cardiff or swansea who could take him to the pdsa for me i would be most gratefull. they told me i was out of theyr catchment area and want see him
  7. tried it mate i was nearly at the point of begging but they were very blunt about it that if i want have him neuterd they want sort him
  8. well lads just an update its all gone tits up with the pdsa im not living in theyr catchment area so they wouldnt see him and they reffused the pet loan so hes booked in to the rspca for 3:50 this afternoon, hes gonna have to be neuterd gutted. unless theres some one on here who has housing benefit and living in cardiff who could take him to the pdsa for me, a long shot but you never know till you ask, iv got till 3:50 to sort sumin
  9. Fair play to you spiderpig you are top off the range fella thanks for your offer, but i just received mail that if i take him to the pdsa tomorrow with proof of housing or council tax benefit they will sort him, and just incase that fails iv applied for a pet loan to sort it, they are gonna phone me first thing in morning with a yes or no, so fingers crossed. thanks again spiderpig top bloke
  10. but had that vet given her any treatment ? they said they would have seen him if he had just done it but because hes allready been seen to it was not classed as an emergency and i would have to wait for registration, the nearest one to me also said i was out of theyr catchment area and they gave me the number to the rspca vets i had already seen
  11. I can register him but it could take up to 10 weeks, if i had gone straight there first then they would have done it there and then but it aint classed as an emergency know and i would have to wait for registraiton to come through, i have phoned around 15 vets if not more and none of them will accept installments iv even been to see if i could get a lone today but i wouldnt get it in time, dont know what else to do and his wrap has to be changed by tomorrow, im stuck iv got to think of him now and get it sorted and hope hel be running again for next season. Thanks again TD
  12. right lads tried the pdsa i have to register him first, because hes already recieved emergency treatment, looks like il have to have him neutured at rspca (gutted) thanks lads for all your help
  13. ok people thanks going to find my nearest pdsa today and give it a go
  14. They aint forcing me little lurcher but if i want them to treat him il have to have him done i wish i could go to another vet lads but i phoned around 10 diffrent vets today and none of them would let me pay by installments full payment only but the rspca one will, I dont care how much it will cost its the fact i havnt got the money behind me to pay up front, thats why i asked if you could have neutering reversed, il have him treated by them then have it reversed later when i can afford it. thanks lads
  15. Well every one my worst nightmare came true monday night, i was out lamping with my young dog only his fourth time out he caught one bunny slipped him on the next one as he whent down to snatch it he twisted awkward and snapped his leg in two just above the lower joint. got him to the vet my local RSPA one they gave him emergency treatment [painkiller and splint] and told me he'l need pins put in only chance of him making a good recovery and being able to run with out problems, but the only way they will do this is if they newter [spelling] him, thing is he has the making of a good dog and wa
  16. where can i get a sky box chipped lads
  17. looks a cracker cant belive he hasnt gone yet.
  18. hi mate could you tell me if the reels are boat reels or shore fishing ? and also what would you take for the mold money/swap thanks TD
  19. Iv shot the pair of these guns and they are really good for the price
  20. which one is the bitch mate, cracking looking pups by the way TD
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