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Everything posted by jonathan

  1. i don't like terres when ferreting cos they go down . but some people do .But i think the best ferreting dog is a beddy x are small collie x that marks but there don't sink
  2. what kind of dogs do you take when you go ferreting with nets and longnets
  3. hope thiss has been of some help. Thanks for the help
  4. best way to stop young ferrets from biteing is to pick them up and say are you a bite are a licker give them your finger if they bite push your finger in side the mouth they will soon stop it but for older ferret 10 weeks + should be flicked on the nose .
  5. what is the best puppy food to feed a lurcher pup
  6. that right and is the best way
  7. Are you going to work you ferrets on rabbits and rats
  8. don't do it when you are ill because the ferrets can catch things
  9. it will not kill rabbit more then a yard away even if it a head shoot you will be better looking out for a second hand gun that is a bit bashed on the stock so it will be cheap
  10. jonathan


    :welcomeani: you got a lot of ferrets
  11. :welcomeani: how many ferret you got
  12. my big jill loves it . i think he is a anti. it just the same as a dog getting a fox . And it her chaise to go in you don't no what you are talking about . bet you havi'nt even got ferrets
  13. jills are better because they are faster and small so they don't kill as much and the rabbit can knock them out of the way
  14. Why just because you've found mugs to part with £25? The avereage price for a ferret round here is £15-20 so for the sake of an extra tenner for somthing a little different IMO would be a bargain. If the guys up north hes having a laugth cos its overun. I was holding a Hybrid a month ago it was as good as gold and put the PR ferrets to shame I would have paid a lot more than £30 if it was up for grabs. IT WAS A FERRET MOST LIKELY
  15. got my for 5o with box and 2 colles
  16. how old do you have to be for that
  17. got 9 ferrets and had one litter of kits only got two left
  18. have you got ferrets :welcomeani:
  19. My mates jack russel work good on fox . And guns did your get stuck and you had to dig it out
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