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About longside

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hello lads just wondering how old do you start your young ferrets,six or seven months?
  2. Raw chicken did the job thanks for the replies
  3. Raw chicken today,just wondering if for some reason the kit as something to do with it ?
  4. Just got a kit on Monday night everything is fine with him but the three year hob as stopped eating its dry food both are in separate cages one on top of the other the hob is still lively enough
  5. Hello maxhardcore a Burnley fan here was up Sunderland for the game on Saturday arrived Friday stopped at the premier inn wessington till Sunday had a great weekend apart from the result had a good drink a proper piss up proper football people lets hope we can do next season
  6. Hello lads just wondering if anybody as lost ferrets even though its been collar up using the mk3 collar and locator
  7. Got some permission on lancs / Yorkshire area I know this area is a bit hot with the police but they have got in touch with the farmer asking if he's given permission for vermin control to contact them with details who doing it really not sure about that the old bill knowing name and the rest
  8. Don't like to say this but last year i had to put down one of my ferrets,start when feeding would start to foam at the mouth and go into like a coma it happened every time it tried to eat.hope its not the same
  9. Just gone out to clean the ferrets out and notice one of the hobs is not opening its left eye fully so cleaned around the eye with warm water any ideas what could be it could be before a trip to the vets
  10. I have a whippet x greyhound and she been top class on rabbit day and night she eight years old and still giving 100 %
  11. Can anybody tell us if the fmwtc pennines area are having they show at Ogden this year
  12. thanks for the reply bracken boy happy hunting
  13. i have a whippet / greyhound and she as developed corn on her front left paw vet just said cut the hard skin off the top off the corn just wondering if anybody as had the same problem and any idea to get shut if poss
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