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About dynamoio

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Herefordshire/Welsh Boarders
  • Interests
    Sci Fi, Target Rifle, Astronomy, Forensic Audio/Video & Computing, bit gardening, and listening to song birds.
  1. DogPaddle, others will correct me if I'm wrong, but (I think) the only laws regarding air rifle are that over 12ft/lbs requires an Fire Arms Certificate, and the Violent Crime Reduction Bill requires the purchaser (not necessarily the user) of any air rifle to be over 18. I don't think there are any quarry specific rules. Anyone?
  2. Howdy - My big Bro has a S410, very nice....
  3. Thanks Deker & SS. Will check everything before committing to my FAC application. I'm arranging a letter of permission, the FEO already knows the person granting me permission as they've a SG cert. I'm a full member of one club, and will be full member of my 2nd club end of next month. It would seem then I'd be best off that my vermin .22/17 is just and only that. To carry on 25M Target, I'll need a 2nd rifle. same applies for CF for foxing / distance target. Bugger, things gonna get expensive..... For the 'Zeroing' for all guns - surely is this to be done at the range? And if
  4. So I've been here a few months and the missus and I figure now my shooting is progressing we should look at fly fishing too, being close to the Wye. I know it's a bit like asking how longs a piece of string, but what's a must to get started for a small budget and not being my 1st interest? I knew a guy who had a result on ebay, but I wouldn't know rubbish from good, so any makes advised for kit? Any recommendations for places for newbies to get started in the Herefordshire/Powys area? OK, now for the really newb question, what stuff is edible from my area? Cheers!
  5. Man, I though one or two cans was out of order, that's a fecking outrage!
  6. Cheers Gav - HermanE's just posted a similar issue to mine in that thread, so I've seconded on his his post. Between the guys here and the clubs I shoot with sure I'll find the best way, bunnies and innocent PL14 bits of paper beware!
  7. This is similar to the same quandary I'm in. I already shoot .22 @ 25M for target practice and .223 up to 500yds on the military range. I'm soon to apply for my FAC and have also been granted permission for vermin control on 50 acres. I'll be seeing a few club members this weekend at the 25M range, I'll try and get as much advice as I can and post back.
  8. Fooking travelling Pikeys! A woman I work with just had a scare. Thought she was missing a horse, but they didn't have time to load, just got away with some scrap and tools. I didn't realise it was such problem till she told me this gang just follow the horse markets round the UK, IE and France and nick and sell, and any scrap and dogs they can get is extra cash. The $hit thing is, we've more to lose, anyone fancy withdrawal of FAC / SG certs or an ASBO etc for these pricks? Plod don't like the vigilantes even more then they don't like thieving pikeys which is totally ar$e about face!
  9. Thanks both. Which area of the forum is best to post for advice on FAC/SG applications? As I've land to shoot on I was thinking .17 or .22 & .223 - So I've the option of rimmy's for bunnies and the .223 for fox and upto 5/600 yd target at the range. As it's my first application will I get approval for use of moderators for the rimmy and or the .223? And expanding ammo? Would asking for 2 calibres or 2 cals & SG or even 3 cals & SG - be taking the mick on my first application? Any advice people?
  10. Hello All, My names Richard. I'm based in Herefordshire, on the Welsh boarders. The reason I joined is I'm soon to apply for my FAC (2 months time hopefully) and have been granted permission to shoot on 50ish acres of land in Hereford/Wales boarder area, and frankly, I don't know the first thing about sorting land permissions and FAC's, so will be looking for lots of advice for getting things done right first time! I should let you know the last thing and only thing I've shot with a heartbeat was a robin via a .22 airgun ricochet off a coke can 22 years ago, when 11ish. I was quite
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