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Everything posted by arveyboy

  1. believe me its not after an hour of reloading. looks more like a bomb site
  2. ive just found out. its a 1:9 1/8 twist rate which should be good to stabilize up to 100g ammo am i right? sorry, typo, my dealer uses n150 in his .223 and swears by it. the thing is now, ive just spent 60 quid on a tub of the stuff so i think i'll stick with it for now and see what i can do with it. i might try and get hold of some hornady 87g v-max as well as that is supposed to be a good mix for foxy and deer. am i right? i've just spent the best part of half an hour trying to figure out what off the lands means. i dont know which way round it is. if a bullet is further off the land
  3. i thought i'd start a post to see how many people on here reload and what set-ups they're using. this is mine. little bit cramped but needs must
  4. these are my first homeloads as of last night to get me started. 85g sierra spitzer bullet heads sitting on 33, 35.5 and 38g of vit n150 (left to right) with cci primers and winchester brass. the c.o.l. is 2.60inches
  5. my certificate arrived yesterday so i went to pick this up. its a remington 700 sps dm in .243win. i'm loving the magazine. its much more sturdy than the ones on the tikkas ive handled which are made from plastic. i'm sending it away to get screw-cut soon with a p8 chucked on it. i don't like the trigger so that needs changing. maybe a jewell??? im not sure on what glass im going to put on it yet so we'll have to wait and see. i spent far too much on my reloading equipment so i'm a little strapped for cash at the moment. :icon_eek:
  6. only just started mate. yes the n150 was recommended by my dealer who uses it for his .243. its for fox and muntjac so a mix for the two is preferred. at the moment i'm just playing around to see what my rifle likes so any different loads will be welcome to be tried. i forgot to ask the twist rate in the shop woooops. its a remington 700 sps dm if that helps. also i cant find my camera anywhere which is annoying me because i wanted to post a pic of my rifle, reloading set-up and first loads. it will have to wait until the morning. i have to say this reloading jobby is fun and
  7. definitely. thats the only powder and bullet heads my dealer had in stock at the time so i saw it as a starting point. howcome different kinds of vit can have different max powder measures? also any good loads. i'd like to try 58g v-max for foxy so thats a route to go
  8. it doesnt have loads for a 85g bullet head. having just got into reloading id like to gain some confidence before messing about with charges i'm not certain about
  9. i have just bought Vit n150 powder, CCI large rifle primers, Winchester Brass and sierra spitzer 85g bullet heads. what powder weight would you recommend to start off with and what c.o.l. obviously starting powder weight and what could i build that up to. or does anyone know any good sites i could use. tried hodgdon and it doesnt have reload data for that
  10. sounds like a closed ticket to me mate. sorry
  11. i wouldn't imagine theres much hope in persuading your department to change their minds with grants of open tickets. i thought an open ticket applies to all of your calibres not calibre specific. its a shame because my licensing department said they'd give me an open ticket after my first renewal or if i send the certificate in after one year. firearms licensing needs to sort itself out its ridiculous
  12. my dad farms the permission that i shoot on and we regularly get poachers on the land that we know about. always a couple of vehicles with a few lurchers. the problem is every time we go to confront them they scarper and we are yet to get to talk to them. i suppose its better than having them be confrontational but i think next time i'll stay hidden and just call the police. their cars are doing damage to the grass tracks and its going to far now. wouldn't ever bring my rifle along to confront them though. could bring a whole world of troubles. maybe a piece of lead piping or a wrench
  13. wasnt about proving you wrong mate, im p****d off it costs that much. looks like a blast
  14. just type in the british-made L115a3 long range rifle in youtube
  15. liam its the lapua, could be exaggerated. this might help click me
  16. if ever you fancy having one made to the exact specification of the British army rifle, it'll only cost you 23k i want one
  17. sorry to hijack the post but rekindling old memories and all that. us playing soldiers two years ago. i got the bigger gun
  18. could it have been Beckingham Mr L, our contingent always use Beckingham and occassionally Bisley
  19. yes theyve never been much fun. but if your lucky you'll have some great oppurtunities on some awesome weapon systems. depending how much longer they have a replacement for the l98a1 cadet gp. its the a2 and its semi-automatic rather than single shot. more like the standard sa80 without the fully automatic capability. i just had my last year so wont be able to try them out.
  20. the lsw is an absolute blast to use. as is the 7.62 GPMG. awesome stuff, being in the cadets gave me some awesome oppurtunities. i would definitely reccomend it. unless your going into the forces you wont get an oppurtunity to fire a fully automatic weapon at least in Britain so anyone thinking about it should definitely go for it. Mr Logic which military range was that? Jack
  21. this is it. its what the British army use as a standard sniper rifle today. http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/support-weapons/1459.aspx
  22. has to be a .243 surely. you can shoot every shootable species with a .243 in England legally and its incredibly versatile
  23. .243 gets another vote. £7 a rabbit may be a bit expensive
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