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Everything posted by sionw123

  1. Absolutley Gutted!!!

  2. Don't know if this is differnt for you but the rest of my family don't like roast pheasant so we make burgers. breasts and leg meat from 2 birds minced up with 2/3 slices of belly pork, mix with breadcrumbs (2 slicesof bread), 1 onion (finely sliced), 1 egg and some herbs. normally makes 10 burgers. hope you like Sion
  3. will be growing the usuals (peas,spuds,salad,beets and turnips), but i've also got some squashes to try. the seeds came from 'lidl'!, only about 40p for 50 seeds so worth a try. if anyone in my area is growing then give me a pm as i always grow to many seeds for my allotment, surplus free to a good home! Sion
  4. Hi all, I don't post all that much but as title suggests, I'm looking for a pup of this breeding. Does anyone know of any planned litters/pups available?? I'm after somthing for rabbiting, roughshooting and 'mooching' around with. I want a dog with a fair pace as the fields are small hence the whippet, and I do a lot of roughsooting so want a dog that'll hit cover and retrieve well. If anyone thinks a different breeding would be better suited then please post it up. Thanks to all who read and reply. sion
  5. Looking for a pup to work next season?!?!?!

  6. If its half as good as his other books then it'll be brilliant!!! Sion
  7. For all of you that like his stuff and don't alredy know, he's got a new 'NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL LURCHER WORK' out. Go to darcybooks.com for more info. Sion
  8. So I'd only have to wrap them up and you'd sort everything else out? If that's the case then and you're still interested then I could do that. Let me know either way please. Thanks, Sion
  9. Sorry I don't want the aggro of having to post them. Where abouts are you? Thanks, Sion
  10. Hi, I got your message late last night, I tried phoning you tonight but no answer.I'll try again later. It is still available, what van do you have?and what sort of deal did you have in mind? Thanks a lot, Sion
  11. My Daihatsu Sportak 1.6 petrol with 10 months MOT and Tax. Location: Porthmadog, North Wales. Price: £950 o.n.o All details are on "pistonheads.com" http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/1319043.htm Price cut to £850 but open to sensible offers. I'm goin self employed at the start of the year so i need a more practical vehicle. Any question please ask, Sion The mud tyres and wheels are for sale separately, £125 pm for more details.
  12. Daihatsu Sportrak 1.6 ELXI Good condition for it's age, just the usual parking scuffs. Tax and M.O.T untill next month but I've got no doubt that it'll fly through as it did last year. Comes with the wide wheels and Bronco Diamond Back m/t's on and a set of standard wheel with road tyres. No mechanical fault except for a blowing exhaust and it need a new indicator/sidelight unit as the one on it has corroded. I'm in Porthmadog, North Wales. I'm looking for £1000 ono or a swap for a small/medium van or 4x4 estate. Any questions please ask. Thanks, Sion p.s. The cat d
  13. Sounds great mate. Would love a springer but I'll have to wait a few years yet! Where about do you shoot in N.Wales? Sion
  14. Hi everyone, hope you had as good a bank holiday as me. I've got a larsen trap set on the rough/syndicate shoot that I help to 'keeper, and in the last 6 days its caught 4 magpies. One on the second day, then nothing on the third, then two at once on the fourth. I had nothing then until yesterday , the sixth day, and another was caught. Now before you tell me to put this in the trapping section i bagged a couple of crows whilst checking it, and yesterday got a crow and jay! This is my first time using the larsen and I'm thoroughly impressed. The .17 did well on the crows too. Thanks for
  15. I've got a sportak so assume they'll be the same? On the catch where you open the sunroof there are two arms that connect the sunroof to the car, squeeze them together and it should lift all the way up. Then you just take it up about 90 degrees and lift it out. Hope that works for you. Sion
  16. Thanks a lot mate, I'll try and find some new studs a.s.a.p. Thanks again Sion
  17. Hi all, Does anyone know howto change the wheel studs on a '98 Daihatsu Sportrak? I've managed to strip one thread on the rear and shear a stud on the front! I not to good with cars!!! Thanks a lot, Sion
  18. My dad is an antiques dealer and came upon a cup/trophy with "Harry Farrand Cup 1936" engraved on it. On the top there is greyhound/whippet and I'm assuming its got something to do with coursing rather than racing. We would very much appreciate any information on it. Thanks a lot Sion
  19. Thats a wierd thing to need!! a deer ass remover that is!!!! I dont think its a rollock (thingy for holding oars) as the spike is tapered. Thanks again, Sion
  20. Thanks DICKEYBOY, I doubt i'll ever use it but its interesting enough! Don't know what a deer butt is sorry SNAPPER5! thanks for all the replies guys, Sion
  21. I've never seen one before so it'll go in the collection of bits and bobs!!! Worth more to my for its rarity than the actual money. Thanks, Sion
  22. Might find a use for it one day then! thanks a lot for the fast reply! Sion
  23. To shoot off instead of a bi-pod? or just a rest? what's the spike for?
  24. Found this in my shed. Haven't got a clue what it is, it has 'Parker hale' written on the side so I'm guessing that its shooting related. The case next to it is a .243 to give an idea of the size. Thanks a lot, Sion
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