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rabbit tourmentor

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Everything posted by rabbit tourmentor

  1. dont let it bother you boys and girls thats all they want they were probably bullied at scholl anyway hunting is more popular then ever it will never stop what ever they do so f**k the wankers and carry on with what weve been doing four thousands of years atb r......t
  2. walked through me village they other day two coneys over me back man starts talking to me and ive got shooting permission its better then xmas lol
  3. im am not for one thing saying i dig badgers but theres a difference between baiting and digging imo theres nothing wrong with digging but i wouldnt do it as its bnot my thing dont listen to them mate when the going gets tough the tough get going !!
  4. anyone ?? need some fairly quick cheers r.t
  5. basicaly i always have a few 6 7 foot purse nets for those bigger holes but the hemp i had even though i dryed them out just went frail and fell apart so im looking for about three 6 7 foot purse nets heavey nylon or hemp doesnt matter which please pm me as i would like to buy some cheers r..,t
  6. can anybody tell me how to tension them cheers r.t
  7. its okay itd got me a few days of work lol
  8. nice dog mate has seen them faster rabbits ?
  9. patience no sudden movements and your be fine
  10. cheers mate it wernt a big bag like magwitch or brimmer gets but ive filled the freezer up shouldnt of stayed so late but then again i just had to do that last burrie lol
  11. just some lads having some sport okay poaching but they wernt stabbing someone up or vandilising i would keep the ferret and put a letter up like willf1 said
  12. me and a mate of mine went ferreting saturday we took two ferrets two bags of nets and a spade and an extremely sharpe swiss knife which i borrowed of someone which closed up on me and cut from the middle of my thumb down through my nail but it didnt stop me lol first berry four holer ferret in bang rabbit in the net went on two an old tree log about five holes didnt think there was anything and there wasnt then went on two a 20 hholer nothing at home there then a 4 holer nothing at home there then another with nothing in and another and then we did round a toilet lol a t
  13. surely that ferret didnt get caught in a fen ? it woeld have killed him straight off
  14. can you make a realy small single for poaching fella so it could be slip under me jacket cheers r.t
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