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rabbit tourmentor

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Everything posted by rabbit tourmentor

  1. frank the ice crem man do you want extra speciel sprinkles with that lol
  2. i didnt know there was any hares there untill i saw the sign
  3. colies are intellegent this will be my first dog to train so i dont want to much trouble and also a dog at 24 tts should be capable of hornies aswell as coneys thank r....t
  4. basically i have decided to get this cross as my first dog to train bring up etc so i would like to see some pictures i will mainly be using it for rabbits and maybe tracking the odd roe deer cheers r....t
  5. i spoke to frank yesterday he got some nice pups aswell!!
  6. so it is a lock knife then........... ???
  7. ive seen it 50 times but it still makes me love will get a pic
  8. i know the sign at chitchester no racing by horse drawn vehicles lol
  9. deep breaths turk ................now type slowly
  10. your gill may be very ill what you need to do is taste the the goo your gills life may depend on it
  11. im going i might well know you drop me a pm if you want
  12. please reply to the pms i have sent you ??
  13. hi will you be selling any of these
  14. if the scent is good you will lose your dog it only has to smell a fox from miles away and its gone stick to the colie xs bull xs etc
  15. sorry mate i dont qute understand it says preban and then today i can see the picture is probably from 2005 so you might want to edit that mate as not to confuse
  16. shame about the cubs mate but its got to be done if there taking lambs this is people livly hoods
  17. personally iw ouldnt get the best you can just get some sqeekers off of someone you wont need to keep them penned up for more than a week till you let them out if you spend hundreds on good birds and lose them ur fuked when i started ferreting i had the cheapest nets possible (i tort myself to ferret) atb nathan make sure if you get squekers they can see lots of the sky and the surrondings put them in a small parrot cage on the roof
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