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rabbit tourmentor

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Everything posted by rabbit tourmentor

  1. hi mate i am interested in them do you go down hampshire anywhen?
  2. catty snares airgun hook pole pin pole running them over i dont read books
  3. ive seen it myself roe tied to trees left in fields fences cut its disguisting by the way its not by bullx owners im just saying this shit happens
  4. going well. One that our freind had got poisoned the other week so we replaced it with the bitch that we had kept back. she went heart of wales on thursday and got 3rd in the bull x class. Judge said good stance good feet good mouth nice bitch We got a dog that we have kept. going well not seen much, not a yr old yet, just been doing the general mooching about the farm and that. will be starting him ready for winter i think, he is huge though, about 25/26" tts! have you got any pictures of them now?
  5. what happend to the lab crosses????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. i heard theres foxhound in them is this correct?
  7. f*****g sick c**ts i cant believe a video like that is still on youtube whats wrong with killing it first
  8. wow you 16 and you know you have to feed them on meat and you really needed to breed thats good ,i kept ferrets for a good few years before i ever had a litter ,i waited and found out all i could first by reading books and asking questions first not rush into it ,your attitude is crap you need to grow up because to be honest you dont sound like you could look after yourself never mind young kits ,so whats your next post free ferrets cos they have to go no room or food left ,you dug yourself the hole here and the way your going its getting deeper with the shit your coming out with ,dont hold yo
  9. its strange realy rolfe i think the same way id love to let them in and set my bulldog on them or soak them with a pressure hose or something lol
  10. these make ideal pets for kids better then rabbits imo you only have to feed them once a week atb with the sale
  11. james wellbeloveed is full of salt
  12. ive heard they put the brakes on to early is this true with 3/4 bred dogs and half crosses????
  13. i dream of a garden with rabbits under me shed
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