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About ilovetoshoot12345

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 08/05/1987

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  • Location
    East Sussex
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  1. just read up on it and its illegal, gonna have to take it to the shops
  2. hi guys, my brother does a metal smithing course at college,steel etc. just wondering if theres a cheap way of reblacking barrels becuase the college gets stuff in bulk, how is it done?? might give him the barrels to do, just want to know if its a special proccess or some kind of paint. cheeers
  3. Hi all, ive seen these 22 rat shot shells, just wondering if anyone has used them, and whats he lethal range of them? also are they bad for the rifling of the barrel? THANKS
  4. Hi all, ive seen these 22 rat shells, just wondering if anyone has used them, and whats he lethal range of them? also are they bad for the rifling of the barrel? THANKS
  5. hey guys, just wondering if you can help me with some prices of these roughly because i want to sell them to the pub but not get ripped off. pheasant? duck? rabbit? woodcock? hare? thanks
  6. Hey guys, girls, my dads thinking of giving me his 22, but were unsure on how to transfer, is it the the same as shotguns write the same as whats on his licence on mine and send a letter to the police telling them weve done it? thanks X
  7. he lives at a diferent house, but i have a cabinet at my house though, might have to try talking him into letting my have it lol.
  8. hey guys got my firearms licence in 1 week very happy =) just wondering on the laws on my dad lending me a 22 as he doesnt want to give me it lol, says on the certificate lend etc, does he just write lend or do i have to own a 22?
  9. hi, ive got my referees to sign the forms but i havent asked them to send them off untill i send off the mian aplication form. (so they all get there at the same day and dont get lost) on section A on the part i fill out, ive filled it in but wrote on the ( for purpose of) i wrote vermin control (rabbit, fox) but crossed out fox becuase im getting a 22 lr which i wouldnt personally use on a fox. my referees do not think it will matter but im a bit worried lol. do you think as i crossed out fox and it looks a bit messy, they might send the forms back and say start again? thanks.
  10. kill them before they grow up and become harmfull
  11. thats more likley to be nerves if it is a headshot
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