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stanley lad

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About stanley lad

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    north east.
  1. *sorry north east miss read.

  2. were abouts u in the north west?

  3. dog is now free 2 working home collection only. i have strguled by long enuogh feeding and walking him he hast to go nw evn thought im losing out big style phone 07999211887 call after 5pm
  4. i am mate where bowts u frm?
  5. easy on lads. lets nt fight. sorry t hear he wernt for you but i garrantee he nt the dog u had. he has had big horns wif me, as for rabbits does them no prob.
  6. yeah noddy10 it is u na him? no1hunter dog from county durham
  7. frank sheardown hunting and training very good book
  8. im from county durham, reason for sale is because my bro has lost his job and cant keep it, yeah trail can be arranged. as for the deerhound story. the dog did do the job has marks 2 prove it. i had the dog from pup maybe was unsure of new owner or maybe just didnt wana 4 him. but he did do the job 4 me
  9. hya this post for my brother, who isnt a member he has a 3/4greyhound 1/4 a.c.d 27 months 25" tts very good rabbit dog, live to hand, can work day or night. excellent jumper and recall. he wonts a £150, ring him 4 details 07999211887
  10. nice looking bitch kreet this is my young bullx bitch 13 month coming on great now
  11. is that tank yeah it is aint seen you in a while dd
  12. hya mate i have a bull greyhound, 3 yr old seen plenty of graft on large quarry, im from stanley, co.durham. write back if your interested that the dog can get more pics
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