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lord verminator

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Everything posted by lord verminator

  1. F**king hell lads I haven't a clue what your all on about haha I'll go into currys and see what's what and let you'd know the choices before I spend Cheers for replies much appreciated
  2. What's the best camera for everyday use but still good enuff for wildlife pics? Got about £500 budget thinking of a canon but don't have a clue what I'm looking for in one, any advice welcome
  3. Ive got an open box and had no problems have all sky channels plus box office stuff £70 all in
  4. Been at the weigh in today, unreal atmosphere going to be even better tomoz night can't wait now, quigg ko round 5
  5. Plenty round silsden u just got to be on the ball
  6. Just got one myself and I'm pleased up to now, Jackknife what Insas did u put on a/t or m/t
  7. end of the day it's not hard work to keep dogs under control, I have 2 highly pray driven lurchers and 3 terriers which are all under control if they decide otherwise then same outcome for them, a dog that's not under control can soon cost you thousands of pounds worth of damage.
  8. Here's 1 for you, farmer had 40 cows spooked by a lose dog cows spooked trampled fences down and kept going 2 days later got control over them and got them home few grands worth of fencing bills and and a cow down due to broken leg! Who pays that bill?
  9. There's been to many sheep killed by dogs here this last 12 months people have been told to keep dogs on lead and they don't. Police have made it common knowledge round here that dogs not under control around livestock will be shot. It's up to the owner to have control
  10. If dogs seen in worrying sheep on our land its shot simple as that
  11. Wife's car forsale Ford Fiesta 1.25 studio 3dr 50000 mile had it from new Full service history £2800
  12. Always enjoy your post Fuji keep them coming
  13. You keep doing what your doing trunk! Who cares what people think,your not braking the law it's all legal where you are, happy hunting
  14. I can only ever find it at nearly £20 where u get it so cheap?
  15. Have you flattened the battery mate? How long were you out? Cheers. I've done about 2-3hrs and it's still not dead I wouldn't set off for a full night lamping with it but it's a mooching lamp and a good 1 at that
  16. where you getting them fo £60 everywhere I've seen there 70 or 75 The countryman of Derby £60 delivered
  17. Nothing wrong with my cordless 150 it's bang on even if it only last till the warranty runs out its worth £60 a season just for a couple of midweek outings each week thru the season.
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