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No messin

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Everything posted by No messin

  1. I would say I could spot a fox at 150 yards with gen 1 monocular, only by the eyes shining though, just same as with low power lamp. if you wanted to identify clearly, then it would need to be 70 yards max. I found gen 1 ok aslong as there was atleast 1/4 moon. But batteries cost a mint.
  2. I have a gen 1 monocular, it works but I needed to keep re-focusing, and they eat batteries for fun. Still got it but went back to using a lightforce 170 with a dimmer. I would like to try gen 3 though, apparently you dont need to keep re-focusing.
  3. i dont know of anyone who owns or works this cross,and i cant understand why anyone would.using american pitbull in lurcher breeding,is going backwards,not forwards.we should be striving to breed lurchers with brains, good feet,good coats,and less aggression,dogs like these cant be classed as allround hunters.if its pig hunting you do,then these would do the job, but each to their own.regards collie john. :11: :11: :11:
  4. Hope the weather stays fine for you, it rains 90% of the time and the other 10% it looks like rain
  5. Plenty of time yet mate, dont rush it, you will only make it open up.
  6. I've got a first cross bedd/grey and I find its will to hunt, outways its will to obey. It misses seeing stuff because it always has its nose to ground. It doesnt like the sharp end, but for a rabbiting dog I dont think you would go far wrong. I would start it on lamp before you let it hunt up though, otherwise you will have a job on your hands stopping it doing it while lamping - I know!!!! But this could be down to me being a shit dog trainer....
  7. Work, show or pet - looks good, will lick you to death and couldnt catch a cold
  8. A good shout Baz, but if we all just kept our opinions to ourselves then the sites would fall apart
  9. IMO you will never get permission by just sending out letters. You need to get out and meet the farmers, they will no doubt bore the RS off you for an hour about farming and then either say yes or no. This is the only way to do it in my opinion. Once you've got one farm approach the surrounding farms telling them that so and so lets you on. Good luck and dont give up.
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