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No messin

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Everything posted by No messin

  1. 2 0f 3 to go take your pick, PM for details.
  2. A couple of pics of the bitch, PM for details
  3. Fell Hound Bitch for sale, approx 4 years old. Cumbria. pm for details
  4. A mate has for sale 2 welsh hound x springer spaniels, both dogs. they are 2 years old this summer, pm for details. Cumbria.
  5. I'd use straw or shredded paper and make a raised bed or box for them to sleep in.
  6. Same Lamp, the reflector on the Blitz measures 240mm across.
  7. Buy the blitz, if you dont like it you can always swap the refector from your 170 onto it.
  8. No messin


    spot on,ive bred off the best dog i've ever seen and it as never produced a good pup,and the best dog i've had is off a bull that was owned by a pot head that had never shown any aggression or seen any work(the bull i mean lol) and a failed track greyhound.strange world is the dog world. Then you have the other problem of people, you can give one man a dog and it will realise it's full potential, give it to another man and the dog is ruined......... thats the biggest problem i think Always been the big question, nature or nurture
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-White-5A-2...VQQcmdZViewItem or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-2-Pin-10A-...VQQcmdZViewItem Thanks mate which are they both the same thing? I use the 10 amp orange ones, but I see other lads use the 5 amp white ones. You can buy them in homebase and b+q if your stuck (for lawnmowers etc)but expect to pay double. My set up :-
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-White-5A-2...VQQcmdZViewItem or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-2-Pin-10A-...VQQcmdZViewItem
  11. Pheasants or hens work best in my trap.
  12. No messin

    which 4x4

    Anything japanese IMO, personally wouldnt own anything landrover.
  13. FAC used to be renewed every 3 years and not 5 years as it now stands, this is why you can apply for an open ticket after 3 years and get one granted. It is automatic at your first renewal, if you use it on land and not just ranges. You can apply for one at any time though, it just depends on the police force and the person granting it. I got mine after 2.5 years and asking for the second time, my mate got his after 6 months and he has less land than me.
  14. Tidy job mate and for sale at reasonable money aswell
  15. 2m x 1m is ample big enough, why would the run need to be any bigger?? The runs arent there for the dogs to exercise in.
  16. No messin


    and modest ones to.... i think its the best mag for ages, the articles by eddie chapman and Buster are very good indeed. I got mine today and your right JD, it has got some good articles in it.
  17. Cheap bulbs for your Lightforce lamps from here. http://www.lightbulbs-direct.com/search_re...392920875&site= You can also get these bulbs from Tesco for less than £2. Halogen and not the standard xenon though. (Only difference I can tell is the beam is more yellow with halogen, compared to xenon)
  18. On the insurance front, do you tell them they are working dogs and is it a condition of the insurance that they have routine check-ups at the vets??
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