the dog in the pic is supposed to be j.smith bred and a decent dog, I was interested in a pup last year from this dog, but had second thoughts in the end. I think anything bigger than 26-27" will struggle in the turns personally. atb whatever you decide.
I wouldnt rule out it being an RTA, an injured fox can travel a long way, the other thing is there is a railway line close by. Thinking about it, if it had been a snare then there would be a ring around the leg wouldnt their?
they last for ages I'd expect 20k out them minimum. I know a firm who install wind generators and they have them on all the company vehicles, they do alot of m'way miles with only a little off road when they get there. They got 32k out of a set on a swb shogun.
Some dog's have dew claws which stick out, also depends on the ground you are running on.
I have dog's with and without dew claws and although I havent had any trouble I'd prefer they were off as a pup.
When I had a .223 the best load I had was 23 grains of VV N133, 55 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips seated into the lands to make a square mark on the bullet. >1/2" groups from a standard remmington VLS with trigger adjusted. Same load shoots well in my mates CZ .223
same here, I'm a sheetmetal worker and when I looked at the price of materials and galonising it would have cost me more to make my own pens, needless to say I bought mine, not as good as I'd have made, but they do the job