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Ron Weasley

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Everything posted by Ron Weasley

  1. Try and avoid it mate, its not good for them. Get em on fresh meat. You can pick up road kill, speak to people you know that do a bit of shooting- go beating for a local shoot, all of these things get me food for mine when I'm low!
  2. haha, sorry! I wasn't being impatient!! Good work!
  3. Looks like good fun Moll! What was the total bag?
  4. Went for a shine out with a mate tonight- drove up an old sea wall in a pickup, me standing in the back with a 12 bore, my mate driving and lamping. 60 yards down, spot our first two rabbits- I manage to bag them both left and right! We had a drive up and down, but the problem with that bit of permission is that as soon as you let off a shot, everything spooks, so you have to leave it half an hour to settle down before having a look again. We didn't bother though, and packed up! Didn't have a camera with me- was going to take a photo when I got home, but it seems a bit pointless
  5. It must be down to the bedding you're using then. Straw is a big NO for ferret bedding, in my opinion. I use hay, but I check my ferrets over every day for ticks. I haven't had a tick for months, and the last one we had was picked up in some long grass. Shredded paper is good bedding for ferrets, but don't use newspaper, as the ink is quite poisonous.
  6. Feck! You had a much better day than me! Probably netted 30 holes today, not even a sniff of a rabbit!
  7. i put 1 in my hutch and my ferrets wont touch it Strange! I take the guts out, and cut right up through the ribcage to open it up a bit for them as they seem to have very tough skin! They always eat all the meat and bones off the skin, just leaving the feet and head! I guess not every ferret is going to like the same tastes!
  8. Well done mate, there's some monsters among those rabbits! I'm going out tomorrow morning, will post some pics!
  9. Good stuff ferreter, that'll keep your ferrets happy.
  10. Brilliant mate! Good luck with it all, sounds like you've got some decent landowners there, not enough of them about any more! (a slightly jealous) Ron.
  11. :welcomeani: mate. What hunting do you do mostly?
  12. Hahaha, sounds like an eventful day mate! *edited because I accidently posted before I finished typing!!*
  13. I usually go as early as possible. Some of my permission is 45 minutes drive away, so I usually end up starting a bit later there, despite my good intentions!
  14. Excellent work. My ferrets absolutely love squirrel!
  15. Thanks Millet. I'm planning on imposing a "10 yards clear of the hole before you shoot" kind of rule.
  16. Hi guys, just looking for advice from experience really, or if anyones got any stories to tell on the subject, lets have them as well! I've recently gained some permission from a friend of a friend; he's the owner of a fishing tackle shop, and also has a stocked carp lake. This lake is riddled with rabbit holes, but they arent accessible with purse nets. It's an ideal longnetting site really, but as you'll know if you've read any of my other posts, thats something I don't have in my kit bag at the moment. So my mate, who is a keen Shot, has said "don't worry about it, I'll get a cou
  17. I've never ferreted to long nets; so at this moment in time, I'd have to pick purse nets. My opinion may change if I add some long nets to the 'armoury' for this season!
  18. Good photos- good post! Really enjoyed looking at them! Always find it interesting to see how people hunt different quarry in different countries!
  19. I like the look of that pair! That Border looks like a tough 'un!
  20. Exactly- I had a great day, my ferrets enjoyed themselves, and there's a bit of food in the freezer to keep them going through the next week or so- and I didnt have the burden of carrying a massive bag! I've never had a really big bag- I think 9 is my best to date, but I'm happy with that! I think this year I'm going to start getting a few bigger bags though; my two poley jills are looking a lot more keen than they were last season, and some new permission I've gained over the summer is riddled with burrows!
  21. Good day by the looks of things Frank! You had more success than me, but I still had a cracking morning. It was a nice morning to be out today- my first outing of the season. I only got 4 over a few hours, but fortunately, I've seen no sign of myxy! Can't wait for next weeks trip now!
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