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Ron Weasley

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Everything posted by Ron Weasley

  1. Agreed. I got my mark three from him- with an extra collar for £127. Going to be investing in two more collars soon!
  2. That sounds amazing. Do you ever have to buy any food...especially with all those rabbits you've been catching lately!!
  3. Hi all, Had my first look out with the ferrets today. I wasn't too hopeful to be honest, as I haven't seen a healthy rabbit in my area for quite some time, but that said, I haven't even had a chance to look round my permission since I was last there in April. We found a few 3 or 4 holers in some hedgerows that looked very well used, but when all 4 of my ferrets refused to enter, we knew it was probably as waste of time! After a bit of driving around the farm, we found some buries that we've worked in the past in a wood, and we've always taken rabbits out of, so we set up. First on
  4. Fecking heck Moll! When you say allotment, do you mean massive farm?!
  5. Deepest sympathy to you mate. It's always difficult to know what to say in these situations, but remember the good times.
  6. That still doesnt answer the question of how you came to have "at least 3" pellets stuck in the barrel!!
  7. Sorry to hear that mate. I doubt very much it was the hob- I'd get it checked out just incase it's something that the others may have too.
  8. Sunday morning will be my first outing of the season. And you know what? I'm so excited about it! I'm like a kid at Christmas! I'll report back with my results! All the best everyone, hope you have some myxi-free success!
  9. It's personal preference mate. Both will do the job as well as the other, just as long as the man at the other side of the scope has the skills!
  10. Because it's the airgun world equivalent of "Nice Dog! How's It Bred, Mate???" Exactly. And it seems that more power is an excuse for lack of fieldcraft.
  11. Stubbs, this we've had this discussion before...it all comes down to the birds lifestyle. If they're living on a farm, feeding on grain, and the same stuff as woodies, as DEL stated they are, then why not let the ferrets have them? I would never feed city pigeons to my ferrets, because they eat crap! I have to admit though, I wouldn't eat farm ferals, but that's a psychological thing I'm sure!
  12. It really frustrates me that every discussion about airguns comes down to "how far?" or "how do I get more power?" Daz, your mate that told you that is an idiot. I'd suggest you tell him to shut up until he has a clue. A 12ftlbs air rifle is capable of killing all suitable airgun quarry, when hit in the right place, at up to 35 yards. 40 at a push. Personally, I try an keep to 25-30. I don't care about AIRGUNNER saying he's shot a rabbit at 68 yards. I don't doubt that he did it, but the fact that he even attempted it shows me that he's ignorant as sin. If you want to shoot
  13. Fresh fresh fresh is the way to go! Mine get whatever I can lay my hands on! Rabbit, hare, pigeon, corvids, mice, goose, ducks, squirell, pheasant, chicken- whatever I can get! Whether it's fresh road kill or shot, or something I've managed to wangle out of the butcher for free, as long as it's fresh meat, they get fed it! I have a few mates that do a lot of wildfowling. Often they'll just breast the birds, and give me the rest of the carcass. I also go beating on a couple of local shoots- anything thats badly shot damaged and of no value to the game dealer comes home with me for f
  14. There's absolutely no doubt about it, both are very good rifles. The Air Arms S410 certainly looks nicer, but is that really of importance? After all, there is the old adage of "it's a tool, not an ornament!" A friend of mine, who I haven't seen for some time had a Mk 1 Superten some years ago, and that was, unquestionably the most horrifically offensive rifle on the eyes. I hated it as soon as I saw it. But then I fired it, and all it's aesthetic misgivings became an enormous irrelevance! What I'd suggest doing, is trying both rifles, and seeing which one you get on with the best.
  15. I've heard of others bolting foxes in the past. Myself, only a few stoats (3 in one day once). There's one rabbit warren that I often work that is also used by rats, so we get plenty of them bolting and f**king our nets up, but thankfully, usually it's only rabbits!
  16. Get some bait down the holes and cover it over!
  17. All the best Willy, hope you're back on your feet as soon as possible. It's truely inspirational to see such a positive attitude.
  18. Welcome mate! There seems to be a few Norfolk lads on this forum. Enjoy!
  19. Welcome mate! Have you got ferrets? Is fishing your main sport? Cheers!
  20. You have a private message Little Lurcher! Myxi is ruling around here at the moment too. I f**cking hate it!
  21. To be honest mate, I don't think you're heading for trouble at all with their size. I've worked ferrets of all sizes in the past- some enormous hobs, and they all do the job! There are definitely good and not-so-good workers, but it is in their instinct, so I think you'll be fine on that side of things. Just don't expect too much of them! Regarding equipment, all I think you really need to get started is some purse nets. 20 or so should be enough to start with, probably less. You can always get more as you go along! I prefer to use spun nylon nets, which are relatively heavy and quit
  22. Top stuff mate! Hope your kids catch the bug and stay interested forever!
  23. Now now children! Let's not start a fight over nothing! We're all friends here! Personally, I feed mine every evening, and if I'm working them the next day, then so be it. They don't get any extra or any less. I get the occassional lay up, but then that's part of the sport in my opinion! Experiment, if feeding them before you go out works for you, then that's what you should do! If not, then don't!
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