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Ron Weasley

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Everything posted by Ron Weasley

  1. When you say rust, how bad are we talking? If it's corroded, it might be a wire brush/wire wool and re-blue job. If it's just a little surface rust, it should just wipe off with a bit of gun oil on a rag. It's always a good idea to give your guns a wipe over with an oily rag when you've finished, sweat and perspiration in your hands can be quite corrosive and cause a little rusting. And of course, never put your gun away wet! If it gets wet in the field, dry it thoroughly and wipe it over with an oily rag before it goes away.
  2. Works well on long grain soft woods but not so sure it will work on tight grain beech etc ? Certainly won't harm it giving it a try though Nice one Davy Phantom Should work, worked a dream on my HW95k some years ago.
  3. As above. Having kept ferrets for 12 years now, I have never wormed, or had the need to.
  4. Bread and milk is how it was done in the old days. It's offers little or no nutrition to the ferrets, and gives them the shits too! That said, they do love it. I give mine milk (watered down) as an occasional treat, but that's all. I'd be lying if I said mine have never had cat food too- when I'm stuck, it's gotten me out of trouble for a day or two, so I always keep some in stock, just in case. I'm fortunate that I don't often have to resort to it though. You can tell a lot by looking at their faeces too. Ferrets poo should be firm, and dark in colour. When mine have had cat foo
  5. As above, make sure it's a species that you can legally shoot.
  6. I've used Parcelforce and they've always been great.
  7. Dicky, Keep them off bread and milk. Definitely. They should be fed raw meet, preferably carcass. I feed rabbits whole. I personally take the guts out, but that's only to keep my court clean. Also, I have 6 ferrets, so an adult rabbit is a good size for them t have each day. Obviously, 2 ferrets need less food, so you should feed it in portion sizes to stop the food from going off and being wasted, and the obvious fly problems. I give them whole woodpigeons too. 1 pigeon between 2 ferrets per day is about right I find, but you'll be the best person to judge. They ge
  8. I just use wood shavings in the summer, just a handful in their nest boxes. I find anything else gets too warm. In the colder weather, they get a deeper layer of shavings and some hay too.
  9. Not only is it okay, it is the done thing! I'd never be able to keep enough for my gang if I didn't have my chest freezer. Especially during the summer months. In fact, I won't feed some things until they've been frozen. For example one of my bits of shooting permission has bunnies that are always riddled with fleas, so I freeze them for a week before I let them near my ferrets. Keep the fur and feather on definitely, gives the ferrets much needed fibre in their diets. Just be wary of re-freezing, and make sure that they're fully defrosted before you feed. Cheers
  10. Great pictures, and a great write up. SPA.
  11. It does happen from time to time. Last week, I shot a jackdaw. I cursed myself as it flew off, obviously hit my .22 Accupell, but I didn't take my eye off it, and it dropped into a neighbouring sugar beet field about 70 yards away. I walked out and found it stone dead, I'd hit it square in the think-box! Several years ago, I shot a rook off some power lines. It was facing away from me, and I shot it in the back, between the wings. It froze for a second, and then swung down, hung upside down on the power line for about 5 or 6 seconds, and then started falling to the ground. About 4 fe
  12. Thanks for that guys. Basically I want to get the best I can get for sub £100. I've never bought a new scope before- always bought rifle/scope combos. The Tasco Silver Antler on my HW95 is no longer useable (I've no complaints as I've had it since 1996!), so I've moved the my Hawke 3-90x50 off my R10 while it goes back to BSA, and ideally, I'd like to leave it there and put a new scope on the R10 when it comes back. So the long and short of it is I have £100 to play with for a new scope. Personal preference is for an objective lens size of at least 50mm, and adjustable PX is im
  13. Just a quick one. I'm looking to upgrade the scope on my R10 when it finally gets sorted out! I know the basics behind JSR optics- that they just cut out the middle man and provide the same scopes for less money, but does anybody have any experience of using them? Cheers all
  14. The R10 is a beautiful piece of gear anyway zini, but yours is on another level now! Looks great. Mine is about to go back to BSA for the second time, and once it's back, I'll be giving it the custom treatment! All the best for the new DVD too!
  15. To be perfectly honest, it won't make a great deal of difference. Personally, I don't think those extra 3ftlbs will give you any advantage. A standard legal limit rifle is more than adequate for airgun quarry up to about 35 - 40 yards, provided you hit the kill zone. Placement over power every time.
  16. Also, some retailers do take them out of the boxes...I know when I bought a combination of rifle/scope/slip from the airgun centre in Rayleigh, it came with scope mounted, in the slip.
  17. zini has summed it up pretty well! I'd have a serious look at the HW95 if I were you.
  18. Thanks for that Phantom! I'm a regular reader of the airgun section, not often I contribute- very little to say other than "great write up mate" most of the time, and usually somebody else beats me to it when it comes to giving advice! I also tend to flit in an out of the forum. Recently I've been on every day, but I'll sometimes go for a few months without having a look. I can't explain why that is!
  19. Just thought it might be worth popping this one up. It's not desperately important, but I'd like to replace all the screws on my HW95 with hex heads. They're a bit chewed up from years of misuse, so if anybody knows if I can buy a specialist set, I'd appreciate the help. Cheers all
  20. Where in Cambs are you mate? I ask because I had a customer call me a few weeks ago about what they thought was a stoat trying to get into their rabbit hutches. It was caught on CCTV and was most definitely a ferret. That was cambridgeshire. Long shot, but they could be related...
  21. i know, kept ferrets for years then moved to a flat so couldent anymore. just got a house now so the ferrets are back on the scene. waitin for a msg back bout a jill Ok, sorry if I sounded patronising. Wasn't intended that way at all.
  22. I'd urge you to consider getting another ferret to keep with this kit you've acquired, ferrets like company!
  23. Thanks watchman. I though that it was a chafer immediately on seeing the pictures, but I thought that they were perhaps a little small.
  24. Hi all, Had a call from a customer today asking me to ID some beetles that they'd found in their house. They didn't want me to visit them, but emailed through some pictures. They're not the most clear ever, but all I have. The customer says that they are about 10mm in length. I'd appreciate the help if anybody can offer it! Cheers.
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