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Ron Weasley

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Everything posted by Ron Weasley

  1. Quite davy, the 24 hour forecast on the BBC website is perfect for us!
  2. My favourite part of this whole thread is Steve's use of the word 'plonkers'.
  3. It's nothing too exciting guys, but I'm going to be writing for some airgun press as of now, and I need to produce images of a much higher quality than I currently can with my compact camera, and there's no way I can afford to splash out on a new one. That's the other down side, I can't pay anyone
  4. Agreed, not my cup of tea. Each to their own though, so good on you mate!
  5. How do Airgunners, I'm hopeful that there's somebody out there who is also a bit of a photographer, with some relatively decent equipment- preferably in the Midlands somewhere who would be up for helping me with a little 'project'. PM me if you fit the bill and I'll explain all! Thanks
  6. SPA from me too. Good shooting- can't beat it when the action comes thick and fast!
  7. Sadly I have no way of filming this, or I'd love to be involved. Next time there's a meet, I'm all over it though!
  8. I get sub half inch groups with my .177 ultra tactical consistently out to about 40 yards. I'm using FX pellets- are you sure its not you causing the problem?
  9. Fair play. One of my permissions had a flea explosion last summer, and I really expected myxi to rip through and decimate it. I only came across one myxi rabbit though, and haven't seen one on the property since, so sometimes you (and the bunnies!) get lucky.
  10. Not sure who told you that mate, but it's complete BS. Obviously I freeze rabbits for storage, but the only time I make sure they're frozen before being fed is if they have fleas- but a visual inspection will tell you if they have any. As for harmful bacteria? Not many wild predators have a freezer, do they? Anyway, good shooting- the s200 definitely looks better for the new stock.
  11. 66.5 ft lbs? I should think that'll be enough to take care of a starling, Si!
  12. Not sure I completely agree with you on that one fry. Rats are particularly unpleasant that's for sure, but they still deserve our respect, and to be treated humanely. I'm not jumping down anyone's throat, and I know you probably didn't mean that quite as it comes across- I'm just keeping it balanced! And bear in mind, I'm a pro pest controller- killing rats is what pays my bills! *edited to add* Top shooting fellas, keep at them!
  13. I'm a proud member of the fellowship!
  14. Cripes Si, a generous gent! You'll love the Ultra Tony, great little rifles.
  15. Hang on, are you saying you shot a pigeon at 100yards?
  16. Sounds like you've been at them hard Mark, good work! Purely out of interest, is the pig farm not required to have some kind of pest control in place? SPA
  17. Good on you johnboy! Sounds like there's enough to keep you busy. I love shooting ferals. Not the most glamourous, but you're generally guaranteed a bit more action. Look forward to the write ups and photos!
  18. Hi mate, Firstly, the advice the guys above have given is good. Go for a pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) rifle. Steer clear of CO2 powered rifles, because despite what some sections of the shooting press write, they aren't good enough for serious shooting (although great fun for plinking!) as their power is so inconsistent and affected by slight changes in tempreature etc. I'm a fan of both the BSA Ultra and the Air Arms S200 as the lads have suggested. I looked at an S200 as a second rifle a few months ago, but at the moment, they're almost as expensive as the S400, so I went with an U
  19. Definitely get yourself another ferret mate, not only do they like a bit of company- they'll usually work better in pairs. There's a few books available- some better than others, but even the less good ones give you a good idea; with experience you'll learn what was good advice and what was BS!
  20. Hi all, haven't been that active of late (either on here or with my rifles), but had a chance to get out and have a quick look round a small bit of permission first thing this morning. It's only a couple of acres of what used to be horse paddocks, but the chap who lives there now has turned it into ornamental gardens. Definitely not what I'd have chosen to do with such a lovely place, but you may your money and take your choice, so they say! It used to be absolutely teeming with rabbits, 24 hours a day, but steadily over last year I thinned them out with my rifle and ferrets. At th
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