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Everything posted by cometa300s

  1. nice shooting mate i hope these dont get mixi round mine all the best liam
  2. cheers lads i cant wait go out next time lol all the best liam
  3. hello again all i have been waiting for this all week and when it finally came i was chuft lol me and a mate we went out last night at 8:30pm to a shoot just down the road from me and got set up and off we went. we was stalking for a little while as it was still a bit light and the first one came in sight booooom my mate took it out clean head shot so that was a good start. carried on stalking and not so far away the s200 had its first kill of the day about 30 yards then that came to an end as some one walking a big rotty had spooked the next half of the shoot. we got packed up and in the ca
  4. nice bag there mate looks like your place is lifting with them all the best liam
  5. what a bag well done mate im out tonight hopefully have a decent bag all the best liam
  6. well thats me out for permission cheers
  7. welcome mate nice intro and happy hunting all the best liam
  8. nice [bANNED TEXT] up stealthy took me ages to read it lol i cant read fast but still read it never the less great shooting mate all the best liam
  9. go for it mate either way you wont be disappointed all the best liam
  10. cheers davy all the best liam
  11. haha thanks for the reply guys and cunninghamb you should join the SAS by the sounds of thing you would be able to shoot an ants widger off lol all the best liam happy hunting all
  12. very very accurate mate i love mine should try and get a tester of one and see if you feel comfy all the best mate liam
  13. you aint wrong mate they are unbelievable in the right hands lol mine realy surprised me at the distance of around 40 yards bunnys were dropping like tin cans. all the best liam
  14. cheers mate cant wait for next time lol all the best liam
  15. i got mine yesterday mate with 6 rabbits i was well chuft i have done it with birds but not rabbits all the best liam
  16. alright all i was talking to a mate on Sunday who said he's permission was rife with rabbits. so last nite we went out to have a look the place was crawling with them. we was out ten minutes and we had bagged three no problem. walking around it came obvious we was going to have a good night so we was mooching about and bagged another all these being clean head shot stone cold no problem i was a happy chap lol i gave my mate ago and he lay one down about 30 yards so happy all round. carried on walking round and the rain had set in so that was a bit of an up set but before we headed
  17. they look like my baby lad lol nice tho all the best liam
  18. i shoot in my garden and always make sure my targets are in a safe place and all my back stops can obsorbe the pellets so there are no strays all quarry that lands dont have a chance (ferrets are always happy) lol all the best liam
  19. i cant wait get out with my mate on his permission this year lol some nice piks there mate im jelous hehe and what a gun happy hunting mate all the best liam
  20. i use dolly pegs and drill holes in the top and tie them to the draw cord thats after cutting one side of the peg lol all the best liam
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