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Everything posted by herdwick

  1. Try here http://www.exmoorsafari.co.uk/
  2. But I do know some good songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS3ErDN50Qk& feature=related
  3. You want crap songs try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFzyYYZsxGc&feature=fvw
  4. Freedom of speech is a great thing.

    Shame it doesn't seem to happen in some places!

  5. Already £7 a bale in some parts. Its going to be in very short supply in the south. Anyone with hay left over from last year should be able to ask their own price.
  6. http://www.williamlennon.co.uk/categories/shepherds-boots.html
  7. Sounds like she may have slipped a disc.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKnPYcsf508&feature=related
  9. I got a new stick deodorant today. The instructions said Remove cap and push up bottom. I can barely walk but every time I fart the room smells lovely.
  10. Many years ago ex wife was bottle feeding a goat kid (not my idea) Because it was on 4 hourly feeds had to take it with us to a show. You would be surprised (or perhaps not) how many lurcher boys, complete with tattoos and earrings, asked if the dog (goat) had saluki in it.
  11. Cant be arsed to write out the lyrics but you should be able to make them out. From New Zealand
  12. I think this version is better than Ray Charles' but I do Like Ray Charles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMSsx-kqK-A
  13. Who gives a f*ck. The england squad are shit but if they give up playing football and practice really really hard they might be able to win something that really matters......... THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST.
  14. Go and see him in person. All mp's have surgeries. I went to see mine in '97. He wont go hunting but he has voted against every motion to ban hunting.
  15. I have a bed/whip/grey Xbed/whip /grey. 81/2 months old 22" that looks very similar to your dog. My bitches litter brother is 24" so what you were told about your dogs breeding is probably right.
  16. Over the years had 4 border collies, 1 collieXhuntaway and an australian cattle dog. All the collies would take rabbits and fox. The cattle dog was a canny hunter, bit short on the leg but had the knack of putting herself in the right place. Caught hell of a lot of rabbits the terriers flushed. The huntaway cross lived for her hunting, used to jam herself in places the terriers couldnt get to.
  17. Went to see Joe Bonamassa last night. Much as I hate to admit it I have never seen anything like it. Was on stage for over 2 hours, at one time completely on his own, with an acoustic guitar.Did a 10 minute solo, absolutely amazing. Go and see him if you get a chance.
  18. Could always try something like this...
  19. Denis Leary Dr Hook Joe Bonamassa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCjPdtDBx
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