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Everything posted by herdwick

  1. Im on my 3rd pair of muckboots. Had the Derwent first. Soles wore smooth within a twelvemonth. Bloody dangerous on concrete. Had the Tay next. They lasted 2 years before the soles got slippery in the milking parlour. Passed them onto someone else who doesnt milk. He thinks they're the dogs bollocks. Have now got the Esk. I think these are better than the Tay but have only had them for 9 months so it might be a bit early to say too much. http://www.discountwellies.co.uk/MuckBoot.asp
  2. http://www.discountwellies.co.uk/Index.asp
  3. Sorry to hear what happened and all the best for a speedy recovery. However, this is the time of year that a lot of farmers calve their cows. If you are out on permission it only takes a phone call to check which fields have cows and calves in. It is partly courtesy and partly common sense to stay away from calving cows. And if you're out where you havent got any business being and you get trampled tough f*****g luck.
  4. Never did like them but since "doctor" brian has got so strange I think even less of them.
  5. Been wet before and no doubt will be wet again. They do say "There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing" Thanks for the invite. Cant believe you posed for how many photos?
  6. I cant see any reason not posting it.Lets face it shit like this dose happen why not address it.The forum here to share and hopefully learn something.Or maybe we should sweep the bad bits under the carpet. well said catch So, what have we learned ???. My first post questioned why you even brought this to the table if (and I think you had) already decided on a course of action. If the dog was an out and out sheep worrier then fine,..pts, but if the dog as you say was doing well, impressing you surely it was worth the effort and due another chance. If it offended again then fine
  7. The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,, Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing. I'm a livestock farmer. You did the right thing, the only possible thing under the circumstances. Full marks to you. And to all the people slating you, thats probably the reason so many of you have so much difficulty getting permission. I have zero tolerance for sheep worrying dogs of any breed or type. If some of you people had put the sa
  8. herdwick


    Shurrup, not everybody is willing to ride bulls round the fields to prove a point It's all well and good you lot, posting about different types of cattle and their temperaments, but with all the different breeds you're on about I'd have to carry a laminated folder with me for reference. I was born and raised in the city, they all look the bloody same to me! Could probably get one of these laminated folders you're on about from "Farmer's Weekly" Dont forget a torch so you can read it in the dark
  9. herdwick


    The galloways marked like saddlebacks are called Belted Galloways. Galloways are all black and shaggy and wild. When i first left school was sent out to bring a friesian heifer in that had just calved a galloway calf. Just as well I was young and fit in those days. Bloody calf was only about 2 hours old but it still took me 3 fields and a rugby tackle to catch it!!
  10. herdwick


    As a rule of thumb, any dairy bred bulls (friesian, guernsey, jersey ayreshire....) are to be avoided like the plague. When I was a kid we had guernsey bulls. They were kept chained up and only got out of their box on the bull pole and only if there were 2 or 3 people available to handle them. After they were 18 months old they were never put out with the cows as they were just too unpredictable. Beef bred bulls are usually quiet enough providing they are running with cows, but they do have off days!! One habit which suckler cows have is to leave their calf in the hedge, while they graze near
  11. I have had dogs all my life but never a lurcher until just recently. About 30 years ago a friend of a friend had a 1st cross bed/whippet. I watched this dog for 2 or 3 seasons. It did everything that was asked of it, ferreting, lamping, mooching, beating, picking up (saw it retrieve a canada goose 400 yards out on the foreshore) and it would take foxes without too much trouble. I could never have a lurcher then, always had working collies for the sheep and cattle and always felt a lurcher would be a bloody nuisance round the livestock. Got a quad bike a few years ago so when the last collie
  12. My old collie was still wanting to come out to the sheep and cattle, and dare I say it, a bit of rabbiting at the age of 14 even tho' she was half deaf and half blind. Used to howl the place down if I got my stick but not her.
  13. Welcome back mate. If you're going to abuse someone/something just dont get caught.

  14. Here you go http://www.johnnorris.co.uk/shop/ty_732-a-shirt-sale/
  15. My bitch is almost 12 months old. When I got her, last november at 8 weeks old I limited her to a short (5-10 mins) walk, twice a day. Apart from lead training, she ran free with my 4 russells. At 4 months old she was getting a bit more of a run, but still not too much. In april however, I turned my cattle out. Just under 7 months she was coming round with me and the terriers while I checked cattle and sheep twice a day. She was then getting 1/2 to 3/4 hour free range twice a day. She will be 1 year old tomorrow, has caught 9 rabbits herself and has turned quite a few back into the terrier
  16. Glad to hear he's getting used to running with 1 1/2eyes. He always puts so much effort in, you could see he was getting pissed off with not connecting as often as he used to. Have to get my bitch on the lamp in the next few weeks, if the knees are up to it!
  17. http://www.merlinspromotionsltd.co.uk/quad-equestrian--agri-products-30-c.asp
  18. Dont know much about quad mounted spreaders but have used tractor mounted pto driven spreaders. Small tractor (ferguson or such) put axles out as far as they'll go to enable you to go across slopes small pto spreader (vicon if you can still get them) should hold 250kg but no need to fill it right up if your ground is steep. Might be the cheaper option.
  19. I met her a few times, out hunting with the D&S. Didnt see her last season but she was out the season before, on foot at 89! Saddened to hear that she has gone. R.I.P. Hope
  20. I had working collies for years and they would jam themselves in places that my terriers wouldnt look at. Having said that, I now have 4 jrts. Smallest is 10" largest 12 1/2" and they dont leave much behind. All 4 will go to ground, but I can call them out without to much trouble. 2 will retrieve to hand, all 4 will work in a beating line (without collars and leads) and yes,I do get asked back to both shoots that they work on! Just depends on how you train them.
  21. Used these for a while now http://www.farmclothing.co.uk/
  22. How can you trust the judgement of anyone who chooses to spend his life waking up next to THAT?
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