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Everything posted by ands

  1. Bad connection between the aerial and the collar?
  2. Less pockets = more waterproof, go for a smock
  3. Be interesting to see if that policy works out long term, great vid though.
  4. Have you found a better system Deerman?
  5. There was a full hound on a farm nearby, it used to go out with the sheepdogs and watch them work sheep- not a sheepherding bone in its body lol. Went back to work with a (hound) pack eventually.
  6. ands

    Folding Bikes

    I got a folding bike, bloody handy for the forestry tracks- i go as far as the first big hill, then hide it in the trees and walk lol
  7. Plenty of farmers out there cursing their collies for wandering off the job . Hunting wise who wouldn't want a compulsive hunter? lol
  8. Brexit is fairly trivial compared to the war that was going on when labour banned hunting mammals with dogs?
  9. I wonder if the first step should be the controlling of hares with one dog - surly an easy argument to win?
  10. Forgot about this clip until i read this thread https://youtu.be/fHVXonsX3Gg
  11. The waste cuts from lamb sure are the best for putting weight on a hard working dog.
  12. Sheepdogs are most likely the no 1 culprits!
  13. I wonder how many lurcher lads here would be happy to feed their dogs whole lambs etc?
  14. I think the session 5 can only record an hour and a half or so + the battery is built in so cant be changed, incredably small bit of kit though.
  15. Soon learned to take a compass!! lol
  16. Amazing how frightening it is when youre lost in the fog, thinking you know where you are for sure! Then realise youve walked down the wrong mountain.
  17. Buy good insoles before you buy good socks!
  18. ands

    Fox Food

    Awful way to die alright! To many ponies on the hills perhaps?
  19. Might walking away from the dog rather than towards it work?
  20. The dogs the contract type shepards use- the ones that gather up the half wild sheep out of the big forestry plantings are impressive alright! Great lurcher breeding potential.
  21. Shocking how much them little mountain streams rise, the forecast was awful today- crazy to send kids out wandering!
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