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Everything posted by ands

  1. I run a 12v fridge- freezer of a solar panel - pretty useful too (until its warm but wet weather!)
  2. ands

    Old lorrys

    Great old lorry!
  3. Fecin miles from anywhere! lol
  4. Isn't Corbyn a veggy and his farming minister a vegan? God help us!
  5. I do it........because i have to!
  6. ands

    Trail cameras

    I use the little acorn cameras they seem to last forever- even had one submerge in a reservoir and still came back to life!
  7. ands

    life below zero

    What time is it on +2 Tomo?
  8. Would hunting him with two hounds be more humane?
  9. I thought you mentioned a cam that instead of being motion triggered it took constant pics, say one every 5 seconds (on another thread?) Greyman. I may have got the wrong idea though.
  10. What was the cam that constantly took pics Greyman?
  11. Ate her way through a fox perhaps Ziggy?
  12. Given the chance (and training!) there's no reason what so ever the bull x can't turn its self to any job- perhaps the only thing thats thin on the ground is the people that bother?
  13. Look up greyhound cramping Trigger
  14. When i left UW house the feckers charged me for the FREE bulbs!
  15. This is a pic from a trail cam, if you put some thought into where the best light is etc i don't see why you wouldn't get a few decent shots
  16. Tan's had a busy life then fairplay!
  17. Seen it myself too RT, dogs hunting then riseing one running him in and amazingly soon comeing off a mark! Also watched foxes go in (rock earth) and not be marked when the dogs arrive. Damn good marking dogs too. Thats why its easy to believe your dogs will mark everyone but some earths piles etc must be so vast as far as the dogs concerned they've gone?
  18. I watched one the other day (the dog was marking the living daylights out of this one lol) through a gap in rocks actually squeezing his way into a safer part of the "earth" definatley would have been a big ask for a small terrier to follow him!
  19. I wonder is there a huntsman- lurcher owner on here that believes he can mark every fox thats to ground in rocks?
  20. Great thread - i think we'd all be surprised how often a fox is to ground in rocks and we struggle to mark him?
  21. Better still if the handsets can be located by other handsets (similar to the collars) so youd know where your mate is (or find his lost handset! lol
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