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Everything posted by ands

  1. Didnt Charlton have a hell of a year in 88, did you give him any tips Jig lol
  2. 4 PAIR OF MEDIUM MERINO WOOL HIKING/CLIMBING SOCKS cheap enough from e bay and lush
  3. have a look at the mc gaiters of scotland velcrose fixing (no strap underneath)
  4. good luck andrew m the weather sure cant be any worse than last year!
  5. a good night, did you have your laborer with you beaver(RK)?
  6. cheers scent .hows your pup comming on? not bad now pal coming on 6 months and around 20-21 inches so far What height do you think it will make? id hope he will make 24 beaver id be happy with that Hope you were blindfolded on the way to that spot Beaver
  7. Great reading ,exellant post
  8. Definatly rayon brittiant stuff (hard to dye though) same as the longnet in the gallery
  9. just voted, 30 for 70 against
  10. f**k going out in the rain

  11. only available by email foxhuntingwithlurchers@yahoo.co.uk HOW LONG IS THE RUNNING TIME FOR THIS DVD. AND IS IT FILMED BY THE SAME BOYS ON THE BEACONS? about an hour, same camera man
  12. only available by email foxhuntingwithlurchers@yahoo.co.uk
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