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About Foxterrier

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/08/1974

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  • Interests
    Guns, dogs and hunting

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  1. Got us a wixen with my hound to day, take a look at the video if you like
  2. Hi, I've made a few videos of mink trapping in Norway, 1 with the Fenn MK6. I speak norweagian, but have ut english subtitles on. Check it out if you like
  3. Easy to train for hunting, but you can almost forget about obedience They have their own mind about what they wanna do, but you can train them basic obedience, if they want to........
  4. Its a short haired dachs, from working lines, but he's actually to big. They shouldnt be more than 9 kg, mine is about 12,5. I've shot mink, pine marten, fox, roe deer, ferral cat for him, hes also very good as a tracking dog on deer. He's best as a "earth dog" on mink, pine marten and fox. But he will also chase roe deer, red deer and fox from 0,5 to 2,5 hours. Dachs is a very popular breed for roe deer hunting in Norway and Sweden, some hunters also use them as earth dog for badger.
  5. This is how I do it in Norway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5mNs1CQNz4
  6. A lot of hunters still use smooth haired fox terriers in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
  7. Not sure what u mean, but the teckel is a popular hunting dog i Norway, Sweden and Finland. It's used for small game as badger, fox, mink, and also for bigger game like roe deer, red deer and so on. A very versatile dog, does both tracking in line, chasing and as a earth dog.
  8. The mink can be a big problem during the nesting season, especially for the small seabirds. The mink population varies from area to area, but its usually more mink at the coast. Foxdropper: its a Fox Terrier, not a russel and the mink was alive until i shoot it
  9. Here's some pictures and a short video from last weekend, to bad u only have show dogs (fox terriers) in UK, enjoy I filmed with my mobile phone, so the video isnt the best quality. I also have a dachs/teckel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNr-G9XJ4p8
  10. Can u measure how big he is ? Weight, height and chest size ? We have quite a few Smooth haired Fox Terriers here in Norway used for hunting, but there also many terriers from pure show lines and they are usually way to big!
  11. Just to make it clear, the fox terrier bitch hasn't bolted 150 + badgers, she hold them at bay and the hunters dig down and shoot the badgers. Bolting and flushing is the same isnt ?
  12. I guess she has "yaped" at even more, but 150 + has been shot for here
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