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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. I have to say the bull crosses are magnificent looking,just find it hard to see one obedient enough to leave the nets well alone.I have trained a lurcher or two to a fairly decent level of obedience ,hell it would be a test of endurance and patience for both me and the dog.Any more comments and opinions on this aspect of the bull cross would be appreciated and more photos if you have them please.Jigsaw.
  2. Jack Williams would you seriously think a 1st cross would be easier to train and control,I'm not doubting you I'm genuinly asking you.I have a mate that has a wheaten\greyhound with a little bull thrown in and hes a maniac with rabbits , squashes em to bits.I just wont go for rabbits with him anymore.As a fox dog or anything bigger hes commited but to me hes of limited use as hes a liability out.A lot of effort and time has been put into this dog to stock break him.He will take down a sheep in a moment .looking at the dogs on here they seem to be biddable in the extreme.How about net work,in t
  3. oops the reply above from rabbit slayer may answer my querie.I'm investing in a lurcher after Christmas and am trying to decide which cross to go for.I need a ferreting\net guarder mainly but would like an all rounder,fox taker,hare exerciser etc.Unsure if the bull crosses can control their emotions in these departments,especially with the nets.
  4. I am well impressed with these bull crosses,they look the biz,whats the chance of getting them to retrieve live to hand,rabbits obviously.Just got a mental picture of a bull cross retrieving a fox live to hand in the night,'nah boy you keep it,eh piss off fella,theres a good boy'.Has anyone got a dog of that mix that'll retrieve live.I own a p\bull pure bred and I would think obedience would'nt be a problem as they're very willing to please but with a wriggling bunny in his mouth,I wonder.
  5. I caught a 10lb conger in the harbour a while back,I ate most of it but the ferrets enjoyed it thoroughly.I have to say though they could shit for Ireland after it.
  6. got half a dozen today till the farmers kids came down and kicked up hell,shouting and pushing each other.We finished up at 11.30.The hedging is still growing,missed a few due to being unable to get the nets right into the ditch.god bless the farmer he gave us a breakfast fit for a king and showed us a new patch of land belonging to his neighbour,lots of bunnys there .Still too bloody warm though.
  7. well frank,thats a good days sport,they'll only improve with experience and time so you have a lot to look forward to,starting off tommorow weather permitting,Jigsaw
  8. Hey Frank where did ya get that sexy shovel,bet it works a treat,and them ferrets might be world beaters too I bet :11:
  9. Ditch shitter,I'm from Cork city,go to any decent paint supplies store and buy a liter of ESP primer,its for painting,plastic,aluminium etc.It gives the paint a key to grip onto.I'm a painter/decorator buy trade and this is what you need,paint over with undercoat of your choice colorwise and then finish with whatever you choose,Jigsaw.
  10. [iMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/untitled.jpg[/img] Heres a photo of my hunting partners Wheaton/g.houndxwheaton/g.hound/bull,hes 19 months old and has taken a few foxes so far.Hes had 4 single handed and 11 in company.This year he'll be right as rain,no reverse gear in this dog and he has felt the buisness end but didnt seem to mind in the least.We're hoping to try him on bigger stuff this winter also.Time will tell as to how useful he will be but I dont see a problem with him.The only fault really is he crushes the hell out of the rabbits,fit for dog food only when hes done
  11. Image017.jpg Heres mine basic but dry ,comfortable and warm.
  12. someones talking too much me thinks,careful how you go.
  13. seed tray is worth a try,but as someone said the sawdust gets into the water a bit,but I think if its changed regularly that shouldnt be a problem.Thanks for the ideas,any more tips would be appreciated.
  14. I went out to the ferret boxes today and the young are around 5 weeks now.They were getting stuck into a rabbit we shot this morning.I decided to put a fresh bowl of water in for the kits and when I placed it in the hutch the mother drank like she hadnt seen water for a week,this is even though there are 2 water bottles hanging on the cage front and topped up every evening.My question is,does anyone feel the same as me and think the bottle system is inadequit,and are there any better ideas out there to beat this problem.I have 4 hutches and now I'm wondering if the rest of the ferrefs have the
  15. With a name like mullins he has to be one of us,IRISH.
  16. Similar to chewbacca on starwars,wonder if he can fly a spaceship?Nah hea a beaut,good luck with him.
  17. Whats dthe greyhound bitch on pup to Collie/greyhound?
  18. I have 4 young patts at the mo.I wont let them into a hole til at least 14 months,or until I think their ready.The 1st time is under supervision,at 16 months and after a few looks and light involvement later, I expect them to start becoming keen and show some bit of interest in ground work.I would rather start them at an age when most terriers are mature enough to handle the situation,any earlier and they may be put off and spoilt,but some dogs I've heard of started earlier than this and became dependable workers.
  19. Afew greyhound men I knew rubbed Putteen into the legs and back before a course,but very sparingly,to those wondering what it is,its a fairly potent form of alcohol,supposed to keep them warm and loose(the dogs that is),saying that it was used on humans too for the same reasons,as a rub of course,taken orally you probably suffered from premature rigamortis.
  20. Ok paddy,u bringing the big lad with ya ,T O S's bred dog?
  21. see ya Sunday Corkboye?ou still got my mobile no?
  22. Paddy hows things,hope I didnt upset you the last time we corrosponded,twas just a ball hop im sure tou realised.Hes a shiny looking fella allright but hes a great bolting ferret.I was sickened with the bad luck I've had lately.Running it through in my head as to why my last doe might have died,she had plenty of fresh water,food, cleaned regurlarly,dont know what went wrong.One of those things I suppose.I still have 6 youngsters going strong,but I had to tell 2 blokes there were no kits for them,and a few more were enquiring about getting some also.I hope to have enough for myself this year.ha
  23. Ginge hes a real good working ferret,I wouldnt discard him unless he turned out a dissapointment.If they dont work they dont stay,i've had right good days with this lad,many good days and that doesnt have to mean dozens of rabbits caught either,just the effort he puts in and he rarely backs up a rabbit,he bolts 90% of his quarry.Out of three does serviced by this buck there is only 1 litter left,1st doe ate her litter,2cd doe is rearing 6 at the moment and last night I went to feed the 3rd doe and when I opened the nest box she was dead,I was sick to put it mildly,she was due to have young nex
  24. Heres the photo of my silver buck that got kicked in the eye a while back,this photo was taken the same day it happened,glad to say he is now in great form and hunting very well since then,I cant wait to start him again next season and give those conies a seeing to.
  25. Just want your opinion on the Beds,back from a show in Co. Laois,Emo court country fair,I saw a lot of bedlingtons there but they were all real small.I was thinking of seeking out a greyhound/beddi cross but I would like a dog of roughly 24-26 inches,to me thats an average size for a fox,hare and anything else a little bigger.I know theres no set rule as to what size the beddi/greys come but what would your opinions on expected size be,one other question,what would you think of a grey hound/colliexbull greyhound cross as an all round net guarder,lamper,foxer,deer dog,pheasant retriever and gen
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