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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. As I said before,defo half bred WOMBAT,lol
  2. Just lost a handsome well bred pup to parvo,in all it cost me 530 euros and I ended up with a dead pup.The vet told me to bleach the entire kennels with thick bleach,he also gave me a scrub to saturate all the sleeping compartments with.I'm hoping to have a new pup soon and hes after all his jabs allready,so there shouldnt be any problems I'm told.
  3. 3 weeks ago I got a hunting bib&brace wax cotton dungarees,cost 109 euros,the customs cost me 60 more,not doing it again,had it in 2 weeks from Cabelas.
  4. Sean I was out lately with a ferret we call the rat,as shes fairly small,we got 14 rabbits with her in less than 3 hrs,I think you'll end up digging regurlarly with a big ferret,once they learn the knack of killing they perfect it to the end.I gave away 4 fine sized hobs last year for free,they bolt a few but kill much more.Good small ferrets are the answer if you've nets and want plenty of fast action.I was ferreting today,yesterday and lastMonday with the rat and shes bolting them fine,no sign of her slowing up and shes 4 years old.Theres nothing wrong with small ferrets.
  5. Got an invite from some lads I know today frank and we had a super day,their ferrets were used and we got 22,out yesterday and had a disaster,pissing rain,hailstone.Started at 10 finished at 12.30 and we got 5.WHAT WAS I THINKING.
  6. Was talking to a few terrier lads today and they were telling me a well known terrier bloke,a bloke with a reputation for having really good dogs was down digging in their country on their invite.They said after they saw his dogs in action they were stunned at how dissapointingly poor they were.One lad was getting a pup from this chap and he said he defo wont take one now.The said visitor sells the odd litter,he isnt into money making from the pups.He was asked to enter the dog to a hole 4-5 feet deep and refused to do so on the grounds the dog was too hard and he would smashed up too badly(wh
  7. You sure have a fine supply of terriers D D,got any to spare?
  8. Very fine looking dog,good luck with him Toad.
  9. Yeah thats a draw dog,shes a 5 yr old staff bitch,We try to keep a few working staffs between us.Nixy the terrier is a big mother,He has a big clonk on him allright,hes a little too big for my liking but we'll pick and choose where we enter him,thats presuming he makes the grade.He'll be out in the next few days again and hopefully he'll continue to please,oh yeah on the way home he ate his lead that was left on his collar in the trailer,boredom I suyppose.He has eaten some ammount of stuff,you cant leave a thing around him.
  10. Well woke at 7 a.m. and its pissing and howling(and thats just the wife),never got out My hunting partner rang me and we knew there was no point in even getting dressed to go.Thats 5 weeks in the season we've missed over the shity weather.Hopefully I'm going to get out tommorow,the winds are to die down tonight and hopefully the rain will stop.We'll all have webbed feet if any more water falls on us,HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU,and start as you mean to go on,get out there hunting,
  11. I think it does the job quiet well,I'm using it for the last year and its fine.Notice the fold up shovel in the side pocket?I only use that if theres just 2 of us hunting together as we have enough with the ferrets boxes,nets etc to carry.Usually we have a 4 ft shovel with us.Its a handy bag and I dont think I'll find anything as good,unless you guys can come up with something.
  12. The dam of the terrier is pure lakie and the sire is a russel/bull 1st cross nixy
  13. Hope your in training for the morning falcon,hope it stops raining.F****ng weather is a balls.Stay off the whiskey now ya drunken gett.
  14. Have a threadmill here and am considering selling it as I wont need it in the future,its working fine and I have to give it a bit of a clean up.I bought it for just under 1000 euros.The speed box is worth 400+ euros alone.It goes from walking speed to a gallop,Im looking for 800 euros for it .Let me know what you think,it plugs into a house socket,single phase I believe is the term.
  15. Out for a dig yesterday,starting my 2 young terriers,1 dog showed great potential,unfortunately the other didnt,but I'll give them another bit yet to decide if they want to get involved or not.We dug 2 foxes.The terrier in the photo is my lakie/bull/russel and he came that little too large for most earths but hes showing some enthusiasm for the work.
  16. This computer stuff has me baffled,thanks bullsmilk.
  17. Heres a photo of my net bag,its a tennis sports bag,it holds 11 long nets and has a side pocket for purse nets,the color isnt the best but unfortunately they dont make them in realtree yet.
  18. something went wrong there,hope theres another photo here on the same topic.
  19. IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/Picture034.jpg[/img] Heres a few pics of my young lad out last Wednesday,we got 6 but it was freezing and blowing a gale,he wasnt quiet as enthusiastic after an hour of blustery winds,then there is the pic of the ferret,shes 5 years old and nicknamed the rat,shes a decent enough worker and has not left me down so far,all the best Jigsaw.
  20. A lot of problembs with the Dutch and Germans in the west of Ireland.They buy up the land and stop locals and natives from enjoying the bounty of the fields.Joeb it must be a while since you were here cause we have plenty of rat race for everyone here,I suppose compared to the big cities in England it wouldnt be as bad but I live on the outskirts of Cork city and I wouldnt travel into the city unless I have to.The country is now multi racial as is most countrys but its still a great place to live except for the weather,rain like you never saw.Whin any chance of a deal on a dell computer?lol
  21. Whin I breed for small ferrets.I'd be classed as the occasional ferret I suppose.I get out once a week.I work 6 days a week and ferret on Sunday.During Xmass I have been out on the 23rd of xmass,had 16 Christmass eve and I got 14,,out today got 6.I used the same pair of ferrets each time,they suit me fine for what I do.I wouldnt personally keep a killing ferret,I've given a lot of them away.Once they learn the knack of killing below ground they perfect it to a tee.I had 36 rabbits in the last week and had to dig to 2,1 was alive and kicking in the stop end.I dont have a dog at the moment and w
  22. Went out today but the wind was howling,started at 9.30 and finished at 11.45 we got 6 but it was not pleasurable.Freezing fecking wind.My young lad had that '' im going to freeze to death'' look,so I called a halt to the proceedings.out Sunday again.Going for a dig with the terriers tommorow.Got a few occupied holes lined up and have 2 terriers ready to start.And I have my new digi camera so photos on the way.
  23. I'm out tommorow and friday and sunday also,trying to buy a computer in between the hunting days.Wont be long before we're back to work so got to get cramming.Good hunting to you all.Frank I'm still a little confused as how to upload pics but I'll get the hang of it yet god darn it.
  24. Squeal like a pig Ian lol,they aint the prettiest but they're the biz so far,hope they're still the same after a season with our weather.Plenty of pockets and warm as hell.
  25. jigsaw

    got blown

    Thanks for the advice lads but havnt a clue what the hell the things you mentioned are.........but I know a man that does and hes agreed to come with me and get all I need.
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