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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. jigsaw


    God rest him and my condolances to his family and friends.
  2. Bryan if you use it a lot would you be classed as a mickey man? Do you know where the ''mickey bar can be got?I'd defo take a look at it.Got a few mates in Dublin,will enquire.
  3. jigsaw


    \\frank best of luck and have a good think before you make any harsh decisions.Its a big step but only you'll know if its the right thing to do.I have to say I've been close to that situation too,still unsure of the future,but when kids are involved you have to put them 1st.Good luck anyway.
  4. The same type of tool Fredrick but not as wide,but yours might be an improvement on his version.His 1 is half the width of your graft head,its made as I said from a lorry spring leaf,very light and cuts through the soil very quickly I'm told.
  5. Jeeze Frank look at the heading!!!I thought I'd see photos of you and your missus having a smoke or something,thank God its about ferrets or they would have shut this site down for sure.
  6. Its just like the back flat bit of the adze welded onto a bar except its a flat plate.Its surprisingly light and he swears by it,Fredrick I have had a mattock for years,the yoke I'm on about is 1 straight piece.It doesn't go over your head to use,you hold it in front of you and drive it down towards your feet into the clay.He also said if you place it against the sides of the hole ,push it in and lever the soil it comes away in 1 chunk which can be removed in large quantities by hand rendering the shovel unnecessary.He lives a fair bit from me but I'll get photos as soon as I call to him again
  7. Why do you lot hang donkeys ?I always thought they were a delightful animal.I bet the black chap didnt see that coming.
  8. I was talking to a mate last night that keeps a few terriers and in his shed he was showing me his hunting equiptment(no filthy remarks now)he had a stainless steel bar about 3 feet long and to the end ofthis was a truck spring,you know the type I mean,its about 1 foot long and 4-6 inches wide.Is it called a leaf spring.its like a chisel blade on a long bar.He told me he uses it to cut away at the sides of a dig when he has to go down deep.He said it squares up the hole your digging very quickly.He reckons you can tear through the ground with it.Has anyone ever come across such a tool,my mate
  9. Frank is there something your not telling us,is this why your last child was called BAAAAZIL?
  10. Ginge yeah still for sale as for being a virgin I doubt it,you should see his girlfriend,no sane bloke could keep their self control with her about(I shouldnt really be saying this I think )And if you looking for an easy lay you got your work cut out hes a saucy bas***d and wont give in without a fight you get more than you bargained for.
  11. jigsaw


    christ imagine wakeing up next to the bottom lot,ughh,but imagine waking up next to the top lots bottoms,mmmm.I'm so confused
  12. Scotty you the MAN, now thats real talent,you must have Irish ancestors to be able to spout out such persuasive blarney,I actually believe you
  13. Just saw an ad for Insight on U T V with Trevor McDonald at 8.00.p.m. next FRIDAY night on the dammage pit bulls have done to people,its going to stir the shit no end I'd say.Make sure you build it into your organiser on your phone and mark it half an hour early so that you have time to get back to the tv and watch it.Let us know what you think afterwards.
  14. Brilliant,the expression on his face is priceless.The dog I meant now not the bloody dead hare before any of you start.
  15. jigsaw


    David2363 they say its the best fun you can have without laughing,is that true I walk all over the place,take the pit bitch or dog out in the car and head for the coast or mountains and walk.Plus I know my other half is alergic to walking(she breaks out in a sweat at the very mention of exercise)so I get to escape her clutches for long periods at a time.
  16. Jesus guys I'm going to throw meself under a moving car if I write any more rediculous storys Well it was taken in the right context,just a laugh ,Localyokel with the combination of being up at 5.15 a.m. and drinking a few bottles plus the fact I'm almost 44 anything was capable of coming out,thank God it was not complete drivel.I traveled to Carlow this morning and it was a different world,the place was covered in snow,very nice looking compared to the sleet and rain we had here most of the day.
  17. Naa Reynardhunter, just dense as the wife says,we were after loosing 5 days in the season due to rain and we were a little anxious about getting the job done on some farms.I learnt one thing that day them bloody rabbits wont bolt in bad weather.Then again who could blame them.
  18. I'm taking swimming lessons first Frank,I was nearly washed away by the tide that day
  19. I was talking to an old gypsie friend of mine lately and he told me this tale and swears its true and I'm inclined to believe it. He had a lurcher for 12 years and worked it on everything,from rabbit to deer to pheasant,hares were no problem to it.Well he fed his family on poached game for years,took thousands of rabbits with him.One day he was coursing a hare for the pot when the lurcher hit a gate and broke his neck.Barney was heartbroken,he carried the dog back to the camp and laid him in front of the fire.He went to bed and thought he would bury his companion i
  20. No not hemp ds,I'd have to get Falcon to carry it otherwise.Too old for anymore punishment.We swore never to go out in weather like that again,but time has a way of erasing horrid memories,so we might repeat the exercise again next season.....NOT.
  21. well Frank its time for a new computer I think,I can see them fine,hope everyone can also.
  22. jigsaw

    pine martin

    this is a better one of the owl
  23. Heres a pic of a pine martin I had stuffed recently.He was knocked down last summer hence the smooth look,what a beautiful animal they are. Heres a barn owl that I found also on the road(different road),costing me a feckin fortune but what a sin to waste such beautiful creatures,I couldnt just throw them away.I have a whopper of a stoat I found last week,got to start saving,
  24. This is to prove I'm no sunshine hunter,It must have been the worst days ferreting I've ever been involved in.We lasted till 12 o clock,we had 7 rabbits if I can remember. This is the ditch we did,we had 17 from the latter half the previous week. This is my much maligned partner Falcon,he sticks with me no matter what,I think he was crying his eyes out here but couldnt be sure due to the rain running down his face .We were hunting high up on the hills that day,the wind beat the shit out of us,the rabbits preffered to die inside the warren rather than face the elements outside
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