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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Didnt think of that Macnas You know what they say,times a healer.But I'll get the b*****d the next time
  2. I'll tell you all something now and I swear as true as my father is dead .When I was 12 years old I was in the scouts,we were practising our marching out in the courtyard of our local church,built onto athe church were bedrooms that students could rent while going to college.A bloke staying up there filled a bucket of water and threw it down on us,we were soaked.I looked up and saw this bloke for no more than 10 seconds and he put his head back in the window and dissapeared from my life.Right I was working as a maintenance painter for a while about 7 years ago at a hospital,this psychologist d
  3. I remember being out with a big mounted pack,in the midst of them was a scraggy farmer on a horse that had seen better days.A fox bolted from cover and the farmer yells "THERE HE'S THERE LAA,KILL THE FU**ER",a little while later he was taken to one side and politely that was not the way of bringing the hunts attention to the fact that a fox had left cover,we had some laugh over it for weeks later.
  4. When I was a young lad,maybe 18 or 19 I had this romantic view of poaching.I bought a book and I think it was written by GUY N SMITH,I could be wrong but thats what sticks in my head.There is to this day an estate known world wide for its famous castle.Now if one was caught on the grounds of this place,either walking or anything else,one would be in real serious shit as the groundsman/keeper was a big bloke and had the tolerance of a psycothic murderer.You just knew from stories that you did not enter. Well I had other ideas,seeing m
  5. Jesus I was expecting a big box of bluebottles or mosquitos or something like that....gotta stop drinking at home.
  6. Pardon my ignorance but was the hell does rf stand for and what is a 22rf used for? we got no pistols over here,well...unless your into the drugs and criminality scene I expect.
  7. Got no Phesant pens in this area only fountain pens all our birds are wild and there not that plentiful either,so we wont be dining on phessie a couple of days a week.I was hoping Mr.Chalkwarren might give me some pointers as I saw his video,so easy looking.
  8. Is this a doctored pic or have I missed out on something,a hairy ferret,thats a first for me.
  9. A bloke that drank in our local pub was having his new house built.He moved in with his wifes parents.Well one night he got up and walked out of his room and entered his mother and father in laws room and proceeded to piss all over the 2 of them while they slept,his mother in laws scream woke his wife and she ran in and took him back to bed.He knew nothing of this as he was sleeping through all of it.The next morning he came down for breakfast he was getting a right bad feeling things were not as they should be,he had to ask his wife what the story was.He nearly died when he found out what had
  10. Molly i'm ok in that department,the only estates im on are council estates and you'd get plenty of hassle there anyhow, i'm all for it but dont know if theres a way of getting him tuned into it.Where I live moll we dont have estates for shooting.Its rough ground I work and a few phessies scattered round here and there,shame not to avail of the available food source,anyone got a thought on this matter,please.
  11. I have a tannis bag,I use it to carry a 25 yarder and a few shorter ones,If thats too small try a postmans sack.
  12. anyone here knows is there any way of encouraging a dog to hunt feathered game or is it a natural progression for them?I would like to have him trying out the birds if possible.I had a saluki cross years ago that was a self taught natural,is there anything I can do to direct him towards this area.Your thoughts and advice would be much appreciated,JIGSAW
  13. Arent they georgous,ahhh,NOW ANSWER YOUR FECKIN PHONE,LOL
  14. Next season I expect the dog to be steady to nets,trained to a handy standard,nothing too heavy.In the past I trained a lurcher to sit lie stay and could leave him 200 yards away without fear of him moving,the truth be told i never really had to use these talents to a great extent in the field.The dog knew where he should be,what he had to do,etc.This time I thought I'd get him to a level of control that would suffice in most situations.The only part I insist on is the stock breaking side.He must be 100% with sheep,cows,horses and anything else I decide is off limits,oh and he has to be bang o
  15. DawnB watch that thing,that was in the film''The Mummy''IT ATE EVERY PERSON IT CAME IN CONTACT WITH<FOR F**K SAKE STAY AWAY FROM IT<ITS A FLESH EATER>>>>>AGHHHHH
  16. What part of the country were you in eod,I was down by the Commeraghs today and was thinking what a stunning day to climb,great for the dog also.
  17. BF you have any idea what postal cost to sunny Ireland is,I have 3' nets but am not happy with them.i think the extra size would be benifical to me,thanks jigsaw.
  18. owner was entered 20 years ago rizla smart ass,What do you think,Im going to hold the dog back from seeing a net or a rabbit and at 10-12 months old expect him to be steady with the nets,I dont think so.I will work on his retrieving and stay command but have intentions of doing a little every now and again just so he gets the idea.You another nit picker?
  19. I had my first running dog at 16 years old,had them up to 99,concentrated on the terriers up to 2004.Due to family illness had to break from dogs for 2 years, getting back into it again.so overall had lurchers over 20 years.
  20. 5 months tote,I had intentions of giving him a day on the rabbits once a month roughly.I want him to get used to seeing the ferret dissapear down holes,I'm not concerned about the rabbit side of it.I had intentions of being in control of the rabbits in the net,all was going well till the little babies started exiting through the nets.He wont see another rabbit till his retrieving and staying long distance is polished up big time.Your dead right though it was a little too much too soon.
  21. How are we fixed for a few apples MAGWITCH?
  22. Jesus Eamon I just broke down crying,Llamas and I still have issues,it brought back terrible memories just looking at the long necked b*****ds,I'm off back to counselling now.......Sob!
  23. Bryan them's the ones,any chance of a photo,I wont be seeing my mate for another week or so.
  24. went out at 7 a.m. with the pup Willow and ferret.I went on the hill that we nearly drowned on over x mass.I netted up a six holer and entered the hob.2 fist sized rabbits bolted and the pup caught both of them.Now he had them he was unsure exactly what to do with them.The first he chased and brought to a stop and it ran again this time he picked it up and paraded it about before I got it from him,the second he caught he picked it within twenty feet of bolting,no hesitation.Not a hope of getting that from him until he came close enough to grab the rabbit from his mouth,I realeased these 2 back
  25. jigsaw


    God rest him and my condolances to his family and friends.
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