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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Heres a few pics of dogs I had in the mid 's.The bitch above is 1st cross bull and terrier.She was a very hard hitting dog and a nightmare to keep.If this bitch ever got out from her kennel God help any dog or bitch that got in her way as she was a terror in the yard for fighting. this is a dog bred from a line of russels my mate had for years.He was a tidy animal,but with the heart of a lion.The first time he was tried in ground he went in and killed his fox in minutes,we dug him 3 times that day with the local hunt,and we were asked not to bring him out again as he killed 2 out
  2. jigsaw

    rats away

    Off topic me arse,we want ANYTHING strange or weird or just plain different,keep em rolling in.
  3. Sorry thats one which could get my legs broken ,plus it was highly illegal and done to a nasty feckin coniving poisionous horrid b*****d .Theres only 5 people that know that tale and thats the way its staying,
  4. Now wouldnt that be the right thing to do.I start off well but it wanes off a little during the rainy season,february to december
  5. jigsaw

    rats away

    Very good read lads keep em coming.
  6. We dont have ferret shows over here thank god.I dont show dogs nor lurchers as a general rule.If ever I have a ferret not up to the job I have a polish lady that takes all unwanted ferrets.She has 12 under the stairs in a fenced in area.The smell in the house is rather pungent to say the least but she adores her ferrets.God help the next tenants thats all I say.
  7. Jaysus I could do with some hutches like that.I have 2 boxes that have expired their sell by date,I badly need new ones.I'll have to take up woodworking classes
  8. Well guys and gals they are all working stock which is the important bit,how would you rate them?I class them as small to middleing sized.They are top class at bolting rabbits,I do very little digging during the season(unless the terrier is involved )Frank I replaced the bloody hinges once again.I should get roughly 12 months out of them.The winter will see them seized again.I'm trying to get someone to build new boxes(2 at least)but blokes aren't bothered with small jobs like this and I'm useless at D.I.Y.The only thing I can make is NOISE
  9. jigsaw

    rats away

    Bump or TTT or what the hell ever,someone has to have a good yarn.
  10. Heres a pic of my main hunting hob,hes a very keen rabbit pursuer. Heres my silver hob,hes very neat,not tiny but not huge either Heres a close up of his face,he lost an eye last season due to a kick from a rabbit.It didnt affect his hunting ability whatsoever,I mated him with a small poley today. This is my little jill,shes been a top worker for the last few years.I have bred her to the albino hob in pic 1
  11. jigsaw

    radio poll

    Cmere boy,this is the real capitol city of Ireland and we know whats good for us and huntin fishin and shootin is good for the soul and the landowners. Its the 1st time I came across Mr Prendevil (radio presenter)doing some good for the fieldsports issue.Theres more packs of assorted hounds in County Cork than in half the rest of Ireland The following for terriers,lurchers and ferrets is massive and long may it last.Welcome to the sunny south east
  12. jigsaw

    rats away

    Thats a start,Molecatcher,I bet that bloody hurt.One evening I was driving a van along a country lane when a hare jumped from the top of the ditch and hit the windscreen,shattered it to bits.The hare didnt survive either Pointer28 its a long hard road we travel when trying to guide our pups in the direction they dont want to go. Whos next with a bloody good tale?
  13. jigsaw

    funny story

    Thats the kinda thing I'm talking about,the funny or alarming side of our sport,give this site a lift it needs,Very good Chay.
  14. jigsaw

    rats away

    Come on guys dig deep and remember those not so great experiences,this site needs an injection of humerous and nostalgic stories.It's gone a little lame in the last few weeks.I know the hunting seasons over but what of the weird and wonderful experiences that happened to you in the last few years.
  15. jigsaw

    rats away

    I met an old friend a few days ago that I hadn't seen for a good few years.We were hunting buddies for many a year.We shared lots of days ferreting,digging,shooting etc.Well he reminded me of a day we had not far from town.On a Friday night we were enjoying a good night in the local bar .A regular approached us and told us of a farm he was working on and that the farmer had an INFESTATION of rabbits.Well we told him consider the problem solved.The next day,2 grown men a little worse for wear from the night before(actually a lot worse for wear )we arrived at the fore mentioned farm.Well we ne
  16. thats a fine spread,I'd love to have that over the mantel,what happened his other eye though
  17. Heres a bit of stuff I have,all road casualtys as you may have guessed.
  18. Thanks Showman,I knew someone would know.Thought it was a bloody big secret for a while,
  19. Any site that covers this gamefair?Waiting in hope
  20. A friend of mine is hoping to go to the game fair in France(I presume theres only 1 national 1)Would anyone have any information as to when,where and how you'd get to it.Is it worth the trip and any things to look out for while there.Any comments or tips much appreciated,thanks
  21. jigsaw

    irish lads

    Macnas its 96 fm your on about and they have the highest listnership in the Munster region.But that poll is just a load of shite in my opinion.But of course complaicency was the downfall of many things.We are ok for the next few years I'd say but youd never know.
  22. What do you call a lady with one leg...... Eileen What do you call a woman in the middle of a tennis court..... Annett What do you call a virgin red indian Shiann
  23. jigsaw


    I ate it in SAN MAILO in FRance a few years ago it was absolutely georgous.
  24. They hadn't a thing to worry about,I could hardly catch me feckin breath i havnt a clue where the hell I was Showman,the locals said to me ''theres a lake in them there hills''and that was good enough for me.
  25. I would be very happy if my lurcher took an interest in feather,i wait in hope.
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