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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. I have another pic of her and i'll stick that on,hopefully someone could put a definite breed to the lady.My mate reckons its an Asil pure bred too.Hoping someone can tell us exactly.
  2. I was shittin for the bloke before he started but feck me he blew me away too.What a voice,good luck to the bloke hope he gets something good from it.
  3. No chance of eating out of my hand yet,wont come to me just stays that bit out.He'd starve before he'd eat from me.In the next few weeks I'll bring him round I hope.What do you reckon with his feet,is the dammage irreversable or is it too late to sort out?Millet Friday I went in for a pint in the pub for the 1st time in 2 years and cant remember how the hell I got home so I'll settle for the back slapping instead Tommy c the lurcher is Pit/g.hound/collie/g.hound back to Blue boy,dave sleighs whippet/greyhound and hes 8 months old.Hes a joy to own and my 1st lurcher in roughly 10 years.The
  4. 1 animal deserves that....the f****n prick that had him 1st day.Hes still very nervy but he is 1000%better than what he was.I'm dreading trying him on a leash,but hes bonded with a pat bitch I have and she may be the key to get him to follow on.I plan on walking him around the block from me,a walk of maybe 5-10 minutes and then lots of fussing over him.Gradually increasing the distance over a few weeks.He may come to realise walking on the road isn't such a terrible thing,fingers crossed.
  5. Right,I was given a terrier a few weeks ago from a mate,he took it from a bloke that totally ignored and neglected it.The terrier is from outstanding parents so I decided to give it a shot(not literally)and have spent some time trying to gain its confidence.The bloke that had it is fond of the beer and the dog is 11 months old but was never walked on a leash or even walked on concrete,his feet are f****d,flat as a ducks.It took 3 weeks before it relaxed and stopped cowering down when I went to rub it or approach it.The kids did a bit of work on him too so I can't take all the credit.Heres some
  6. My mate has a hen in his yard he was given as a present and was told it was an American game hen,he thought it might be of some other breeding and asked me to put up a few pics to see if you people could clarify the type it is,here she is What do you reckon guys and gals?
  7. I'm WAAY more handsome behind the keyboards than in front of a camera.When I were young my parents stood me in the front porch during the local political elections to stop the canvasers calling,frightened the shit out of them I did Who has leather trousers....ohh yes please
  8. Thank you everyone,I think I managed it,lets see now....hmmmm Huh what a winner,pity the pics i have are boooring!!!But I can do something about that,got me a camera just got to find a new victim
  9. Can anyone help me STEP by STEP on how to get a pic up on my ''avatair'',I think thats what its called.You know the likkle pic in de corner on the left under my name.How can I download a pic from my photo album etc,thanks people.
  10. buddy f****n bottles,who comes up with the names,jeeze
  11. Lifesaboar thats a fine pig you had,I only dream of such sport here in Ireland,.......oh yeah the wife is a joy to look at too,you lucky lucky b*****d,i'll be in contact soon to buy a dvd,good on yer mate,Jigsaw.
  12. If you dont mind me asking,what the hell is a buddy bottle
  13. I can sort out this dilema we have here,some people think its terrible the savagery of assault on this mans charachter,others think he's a low life.The best thing to do is .....give him a fair trial and then hang him,there everyones happy
  14. well in my book Ferrets you just showed yourself to be an idiot coming out a statement like that or have you reason to say such a thing.Maybe you heard something the rest of us havn't,if you have spill the beans,if no then try and explain why you bad mouthed a dog you know nothing about.If you decide not to explain yourself,then in the future keep your mouth shut
  15. jigsaw

    poultry keeping

    Valentino would you be able to help in tracking down asil's,we will be in the Welsh game fair real soon and if your about my mate would like a chat on the birds.
  16. jigsaw

    poultry keeping

    DS my mate is willing to travel the length of the country once he finds what he wants,thank you for your help,a phone no.would be the biz.My mates a real nice bloke and wont mess anyone around for sure.
  17. jigsaw

    poultry keeping

    Its handy this topic came up,I have been searching for anyone that has Asian game birds for my mate with no luck.Anyone out there able to help.He has a hen but his 1 and only Asian cock was killed by the dog Ireland preferable but any info would be much appreciated.
  18. Time for counselling Charlotte hill.
  19. jigsaw


    Jeeze when I saw the topic heading I thought you had pics of my wife
  20. jigsaw


    if its any consolation to you lot I married a f****n hernia
  21. If its not your way its wrong I suppose,I had 6 dogs at one time and I get home from work at 5.30 Stick a dog on the mill once its had a fast walk around the block and get the son to stay with it and talk to it while its going at a steady pace,then I'm out walking 3 more,when I come back put 1 more on the mill and clean kennels and ferret boxes,all the dogs get exercised that way,Then Saturday all the mutts get a morning in the forestry.Nothing wrong with mills CBC
  22. What a stunner,thats my kind of dog reload,hope ya slaughter them mate.
  23. With the Irish weather they're damn handy,it rains here for bloody weeks sometimes.A fast trot and a steady pace is great to keep em relaxed,but they got to empty out first,most important.
  24. He's an ugly b*****d Wex(nah I'm just a jealous whore )Hes a stunner,good luck with him.Its great to have them game AND good looking.
  25. jigsaw


    I am not the biggest bullxg.hound fan but he is a beaut,hope he makes ya happy NV,good luck with him.
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