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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. jigsaw

    big hobs

    Sheeze Whin re read my own post and looks like I jumped in at the deep end If yer happy with what you use drive on I say,now wheres me valium
  2. jigsaw

    big hobs

    Whin where were ''small weedy things''mentioned in any reply .If ever theres a disscussion on small ferrets it turns into weedy things or half starved animals,all my ferrets are well fed and have the best of treatment as with most if not all on here.They have plenty of stamina and we get a full working day out of ours,with good results which I think speaks for itself.I personally prefer a smaller version as it suits our type of country and works well,
  3. jigsaw

    big hobs

    i have 4 adult ferrets,3 jills and 1 hob.All are on the smallish side.Last season you could count on both hands how many times we had to dig.Branch what exactly is ''looking the biz''about.I'd be more interested in ''doing the biz''A big strong ferret is a handy tool on light ditches and small stone walls,but a hinderance in most other places,thats just my opinion,but I had a mate that came out with us for a season with his ''jaws of death''as he called him.He went one time to a hillside we were clearing for a farmer.My other mate and I did the ditches and Jaws of death did the ground setts.We
  4. Rathcormac Co.Cork 1st July is the next one I know of.
  5. jigsaw

    The Welsh

    Just back also feckin wrecked,great weekend.Any of you guys/gals familiar with wine street(not sure of correct spelling)Main strip of nightclubs/rock bars.I have never seen so many young women accumilated in the one area.Hardly any blokes about.The lurcher shows today were super as were the terriers.
  6. jigsaw

    My Dad

    sorry for your loss MW,may he be at peace now mate
  7. I'll be there both days,cost me a feckin fortune to get there and spending money on top of that but hey you only live once Changing the euro to sterling is a joke.
  8. Damn John,Pity I hadn't mentioned it Sorry mate.
  9. Whos going and whats your plans for the weekend,I'll be there and cant bloody wait.
  10. Blando does the wheel thingy keep em fit?I have 6 hutches and 2 are vacant but would love a court/shed job.Maybe someday
  11. jigsaw

    big hobs

    FL I take it you mean your bolt a lot of rabbits,my mates hob kills the majority of his rabbits.Personally I need a bolter,I dont care how big or small they are.I gave 3 ferrets to friends as they were catching rabbits before they bolted,and 1 was a small jill.
  12. jigsaw

    big hobs

    If you dont mind me asking,how big is he?If he can manage rats he cant be that big,unless hes open coursing the buggers My mate has a huge hob and has to dig him constantly,why would you be bothered?Its one thing digging to dogs but to have to dig all the time to an assasin of a ferret doesnt appeal to me one bit.
  13. Allright MILLET,my apologies if I offended you,trying to lighten things up on here,theres been enough hissy fits for a while lately.Dont see how I'm taking the piss out of anyone,a little touchy are you?
  14. jigsaw


    When the hell did this section appear,never saw it before but I'm sure enjoying it,great work and another brilliant reason to browse about the inner sanctum of THL.
  15. ''What goes through people's head's.. .. to let a little dog of any kind good or bad to go through that kind of up bringing.. .. come on it's not hard work is it caring for a dog.. .. you want to go round the turd's house with the siutable aurthorities and nail the fecker as he will have some other animal suffering in his house.. Millet'' Middle line Millet,its not hard work caring for a dog!!!!!You know I only mean this in jest,having a craic.This kind of stuff keeps me going,just off to polish my halo
  16. jigsaw


    Ah Jesus wept,yer all sick b*****ds here,I'm welling up with the image of that poor little chick trying to talk to wee JIMMY its brother,yer a shower of vicious horrid beasts,and Irish lurcher I hope you can sleep easy tonight have ye no conscience man PMSL
  17. jigsaw


    Women they allways find a way
  18. Skycat I have enough trouble with the wife most of the time,if she sees me singing to the feckin dog I'm definitely gone for good. Mind I found my time with the nervous lad more stimulating than my time with the missus She hates the look of this young dog,she tolerates the rest of the dogs but hasnt taken to this fellow yet.Thanks for all your praises and compliments,just terrible to see neglect like that.Hopefully he'll make the grade and have a home for a very long time.He'd definitely make a good ratter as he goes gaa gaa when he sees my ferrets. Millet what I really mean by hard work
  19. OK give it to me straight Berkutchi,ya dirty insultin......... (only joking) I dont know much about the bird but Irish lurcher might be invited down for tea some time,roast potatoes and stuffing possibly with a drumstick each
  20. jigsaw


    what are you talking about Irish Lurcher,you want to eat my mates game hen We watched it crack open from its egg and heard its first peep,we gently put it under a heat lamp and fed it with the finest grain AND YOU WANT TO EAT IT WITH EGGS AND CHIPS and you know those very eggs you might cook could be her brothers or sisters this site is gone to hell,savages Frank people are always going to voice their opinions and some not in the most subtle of ways,growl back at them GRRRRR and to hell with the infidel!!!
  21. Jesus Nelson you really have a complimentarary way about you, If Paul in the show reads your comments he'll really get a swelled head. DS your a romantic little devil,any chance youd call to my house and meet the wife,mind its a swinging brick she has instead of a heart
  22. Irish lurcher you hungry barsteward sniffer you insulted our girl,10 paces at dawn,or maybe dawns house i have to say shes a young bird and she has hatched a half dozen pure game chicks from another hen that died.Keep the comments and opinions coming,we may come to a con clusion yet.
  23. heres a better pic of the hen,what is it do you reckon.
  24. your going to be soooo disapointed :whistle:
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