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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. As soon as I'm sorted I'll let ye know,thanks all for the info.
  2. f****n showoff ....only joking,jealousy is a terrible thing you know.Thats some shooting Sounder.Theres not much going to be safe with you this season
  3. Thanks for that smbchead,thats a help.
  4. The b*****ds never bother me(and still dont)but I saw a situation that I've been in numerous time turn very close to nasty to say the least.I will be amongst them again no doubt but I'll sure as hell take a little more notice of where they are from now on,and by f**k am I sore at the moment
  5. My wife eats it constantly.........oh sorry your said fox
  6. Went for a tip about today with a mate,we went to a farm that was holding game.Spoke to the farmer and he told us where to go.So Joe and I went with his terrier and I brought a staff bitch just for company for me We did our stuff and I told Joe to take the terrier back to the van and I'd back fill and follow him down.When I did what was needed I walked down the 1st field and there were a lot of cows and heifers and a few calves milling about after Joe had walked through.I walked into the field that held the cattle and I think it was the free running dog that got them a little over excited.The
  7. Chubbs mate how are ye.As you know I have the brother of your bitch.This morning was my 1st official morning out.My hunting partner and I left and went to a farm that is heaving with rabbits.We kept this spot so Willow my dog had a good chance of getting some experience.I have had a few rabbits in the last few weeks with him but I wanted to hold him back a bit.Today would have been the 1st day I used him with the ditch nets.He is a topper with the purse nets now so time to move to the bigger nets.Well ferrets were entered after the 8 nets on each side of the ditch were set up.As things would g
  8. Your a nasty man IL,but I suppose I deserve it from my past attacks on your LACK of charachter
  9. Help is needed people.I have tried to log on to the the working earthdog site but it doesnt allow me acess.I went to retrieve a new password but what comes up is menu dissabled.Can you tell me if the site is still going strong or is it a fault on my side.This happened before also and I was helped from people on here.
  10. That was his cravat I bet.He was just getting back from a night out with the lads
  11. Jim do you know if the dog would be less likely to get parvo again as he survived it when young,has he built up immunity to it or if he was not injected be just as suseptable as any other dog.just wondering like.
  12. You have serious hygene issues mate and you'll have to increase the wifes money to get her to clean that........uuugh
  13. What i'd like to know is what optics you had on the gun.
  14. I started as an ANTI and my mission was to infiltrate the infidel and get on this site and cause mayhem,but jeeze guys you lot are soooo nice I just couldn't go through with it.Anyway ye lot do a fairly good job of self destruction yourselves sometimes
  15. I keep bull breeds for over 20 years and its the like of these little shits that get us all into trouble,they make me f****n sick,what are they doing with a bull breed running loose,goes to show they have no understanding of the mentality of the breed and they just dont care,after you kicked the shit out of the dog you should have done those mindless morons too.
  16. jigsaw


    Happy birthday mate,bet it'll take ye a while to get over this one,keep pulling the devil by the tale mate.
  17. And again any help out there or any news on the WIFE situation
  18. Will you get back to me wife or anyone in contact him and let him know I'm looking for him.Thank you.
  19. Marko you aware of the IOR scopes like baldies mentions and what magnification would you aim for.Just getting advice from all and then base my purchase on that.Thanks for the info.
  20. Was talking to my eldest son and he reminded me of something that occured in this city a few years back.It was a blokes stag do and for a joke they stripped him and handcuffed him down a quiet lane to railings,his best man was the driving force in this.The stag party left and crossed over the road to a pub and had 1 pint only.They came back to find the groom in a very distessed state.He had been sexually assaulted by a street drinker,a whino.He was to get married the next morning,the wedding was cancelled and the groom had a mental break down,to this day he's still in a psychiatric hospital,to
  21. jigsaw


    Oh then I hope this never happens It happened to me when a p***y a few years back tried his luck and met my bull terrier waiting for him.I heard the screams and when I looked out the bitch was glued to his thigh,so I decided to go for a 4 mile jog and then shower Only joking....I removed the dirty old p***y from the dog in case she contracted herpes symplex4 or some other viral disease.He sure as hell didnt return again and we paid him a visit 2 days later just to make sure he was ok and none the worse for his ordeal poor dear
  22. Best wishes STABS and MRS. to be.Hope you have a long happy life.Unlike my long miserable married life
  23. jigsaw


    Well done DS I had an episode like that a while back but unfortunately unlike you my new found charge was a dissaster to keep.I think its great to hear people doing something good for a helpless animal like that,and in time some sneaky shit may wander uninvited into your property and the rottie will repay you for services rendered the best way she knows.......by RIPPING THE SHIT OUT OF THE SNEAKY b*****d
  24. Hell I have a good tale,was working with a cranky fecker a while back and he was always cribbing and whinging,put a little optrex(eye drops)in his tea and wallah.....he got the shits for the whole day,every 15-20 minutes he was off to the toilets.I had a nice quiet day and he sure didnt say much.
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