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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. easier said than done mussells,i've gone through a few in the last few months.None made the grade.
  2. [sorry for your loss hey F C shit happens in this game,nice bulls you got,have had a few over the years myself.awesome dogs really.couldnt live without one now.
  3. jigsaw

    In love.

    Lucky f****n sheep
  4. Page is not responding john b,but you have the jist of it.If they're not great what would anyone else reccomend for cutting in tight restricted areas.
  5. Anyone familiar with the wire on two rings used to cutthrough roots etc,You put a ring on each finger and pull back and forth as it cuts its way through the root.Tungsten wire I believe it is.Sorry for the dodgy description but I expect you get the idea.Are they any good basically.Could have done with one today.
  6. Paddy would ye f**k off and let me alone, Well boy healy you could have seen him this morning when I met ya at the garage,you could have said goodbye to him heres a pic of the lad.not sure how he would have turned out but at least he went still in the hole.Paddy only joking,if I hear of anything I'll let ye know.
  7. For the last few weeks we were ferreting hard,being inundated with requests from landowners.Today my mate Falcon and I went for a dig with the terriers.I had checked out a hole that was in an area I was ferreting and it was fairly fresh.I collared up klank,lakie/russel/bull cross.He went in and settles after 20 or minutes,and we proceeded to dig.We went 5 feet and it was slow due to roots and stones aplenty.Just before we reached the dog I mentioned if anyone else found it very quiet in the ground,this dog is a worker and very determined.When we broke through he was dead as a doorknob,so was
  8. Good luck for the future mate,your one shit kickin bloke,(maybe the wrong expesssion used at this time )keep up the attitude.
  9. this could get interesting
  10. IL I dont think you did see that lane befor as I'm certain its down south,am I right DXB.Powdermills /b/collig walk?
  11. chubbs the pups looking well as is the whippet.the young lad is delighted I bet,he just doesnt know how to show it You happy with his progress?I think my Willow has clicked onto the retrieving game at last.Well pleased I am with him.
  12. I'm ALWAYS in good mood when I get out of the house Frank,we had 12 rabbits in under 3 hrs today.1st the farmer insisted we had brekkie.Then at 1 o clock we set up and the farmer accompanied us.He didnt really help things talking so loud.The lurcher did very well,no problem with the feet and held a few in the nets.not a bad day in all.Got our bearings today so next Sunday should be better executed.
  13. real tree dog eh.C'mere are the 2 of you dating cause this is the second post that I've come across with just the 2 of you together.Frank dont tell me YOUR ane arse bandit also What is this site coming to,I just dont know.
  14. is it just the Irish that are insomniacs ,IL you know its way passed your bedtime,the incontinencesheets are in the cot for you allready,your wife just rang me and aske if I'd mention it to you.Frank I hope your just up.What the hell are ye doing 1st thing on the site,only sad people carry on like that........ahem
  15. The pup I'm on about Frank is the one you booked from me,you might have missed a good un ,
  16. here is my lurcher,I had him out 3 weeks ago and 1strabbit off the ditch he hurt his front foot,I had him on the beach last week and he was fine,ran him lightly today no problems so in the morn i'll take him ferreting.Hopefully he'll be fine.He's 13 months old and Bull/g.hound/Collie/g.hound X Dave Sleights Blue Boy,=whippet G.hound.Johnskevana the brother of your pup took 3 rabbits last night.The dope that has him ran him at just under 8 months,what a plonker
  17. thats the LIffey you smell IL ye mad git,my mate was looking through the site and rang me to ask what all the fighting was about,told him twas the Irish way of being hospitible COME ON THE CORK BOYS<OUT IN FORCE NOW....LET YERSELVES BE READ/SEEN(i think )
  18. Now that narrows it down....not many blokes in this country with those names,you sure their not in WETERFORD, sorry couldnt resist.
  19. Snapshot you ever been in ballyshannon?Call into the white horse inn there and say hello to the owners wife there,shes from Bishopstown Cork city,tell her the mad cork whoore said hello.We stayed up there for a bit a few years ago.Happy memories in the Ulster theme park ets.
  20. Lablad that hurts so much....you and the other jackeen sing the same tune me thinks,you two should get together and swap spits
  21. At least we can see and admire our river IL,if ye could lift the smog ye might admire yours,Theboyhealy....when the shit hits the fan ye do a runner,is that why they call yer brother SONIA O SULLIVAN ALL take note of the numbers of REBEL supporters on here....and be afraid,be very afraid.....and another smart remark from you IL and your going to get a smack RIGHT. MACNAS I think you'll have to get a spanking too......try IRISH LURCHER hes a bit of a BANDIT I hear,an ARSE BANDIT....oh shit IL your secrets out now....SORRY about that mate
  22. Ditch great read,if you were in the Mafia you'd be shot for sure cause you know too much,your a font of knowledge,an inspiration to us all
  23. The very best of luck LY,if I were 30 years younger......I wouldnt be left travel on my own as I'd have been too young Hope its kickin for ye.Dont forget the pics and make us all green with envy.
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